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I am a wife, mama and grandmama getting through life by hanging on to a needle and thread.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Another Work Of Art!

I felt like Miss Three was being left out of the artwork wall hanging series, so the other day I ironed some white fabric to a piece of freezer paper and handed our little toddler a box of permanent markers. (Yep, I'm one brave grandmama!) This wall hanging is the resulting masterpiece and it is now hanging in my sewing room with the other two. I guess it will be a while before I can finish out the series unless I can convince my daughters-in-law to let me paint the babies feet with fabric paint...


1. Hunter said...

What great colors and what a fun grandmother.

Best regards,

2. Barb said...

Very sweet...be sure to put a date on it for reference with the future "works of art"...art work by the grandchildren is an absolute treasure!

3. Sandy said...

How cute is that! I'll have to remember that for my 18 mo. old GS..very cool colors.

4. Jackie's Stitches said...

What a fantastic idea!

5. mcconnell investigations said...

Definately paint the babies feet!!

6. Jean said...

This is so cute. You could try painting the feet when they aren't around....lol

7. Maegan said...

You have my permission to paint Miss Fours feet anytime-I will even help you, if you want!

8. Tonya Ricucci said...

this turned out great - the border fabric works great with the image. very fun.

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