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I am a wife, mama and grandmama getting through life by hanging on to a needle and thread.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Under The Influence

I can't tell you how many times in my childhood I heard "If your friends jumped off a bridge, would you jump too?" Apparently, I am once again under the influence of a friend and she has me helplessly addicted...to selvages! Monday night at our monthly guild meeting I noticed several quilty friends handing Anya bags full of selvages and before the evening was over she had passed a big handful of selvages to me. I admit that I had some selvages of my own hidden in my closet and I had played with them a little, but I hadn't really sewn with them. Last night the temptation got the better of me and I had to stitch a bit...just to give them a try. I cut some foundation squares and made a couple blocks, then a couple more and even more. I was hooked within the hour! Even though sewing with selvages is terribly addictive, it is legal (no quilt police), free (unless you start buying yards of fabric just for the selvages) and non fattening (unless your husband is like mine and uses Moose Tracks ice-cream to lure you out of the sewing room)! I can think of worse things to be under the influence of, but I can see where this may cause some problems...what if all of our quilty friends start sewing with their selvages instead of passing them on to the addicts or even worse yet, do you think our quilty friends are going to figure out that they can sell their selvages to the highest bidder?


1. Barb said...

Susan this is a fun post from you...I so enjoyed reading this. Guilty also of the quest for selvages as I am saving my selvages into a plastic container! I am wondering will we find bags of selvages showing up at the quilt show fabric vendors? If so does this mean the fabric will become only remnants and the selvages the main focus?? ;>D

2. Deb said...

LOve it. I am SO pleased that you ARE addicted to something, I am no longer alone in the addiction stakes and I feel you are worse than I am! Selvages I think look great when others do things with them but can't be bothered myself.
Hope you had a lovely anniversary-26 fat quarters was it?????

3. Jean said...

I have to admit that I have been collecting them also, though not sure why...lol...they just look so interesting. I was thinking of making a bag for my daughter...think she would die laughing. One question... how wide are you cutting them? I haven't heard a measurement, so have been doing an inch.

4. Anonymous said...

LOL oh Susan you made me smile. Love what you have done with the selvedges. If there is a selvedge shortage you'll have to just patchwork in some normal fabric. LOL Thre world is turned on it's head. I wonder what a checkerboard of selvedge and fabric would look like?

5. Anya said...

I beg your pardon...who influenced whom? I seem to remember a certain someone making a selvage gift bag for a Christmas exchange and a selvage keychain before I ever created a thing with them!

Glad you're enjoying the addiction with me!
P.S. Hope you had a great anniversary...

6. Selvage Quilter said...

Susan, I love reading your blog, especially now about selvages.

Jean, I would suggest you cut your selvages 1 1/2 inches wide so that you will be able to show the colored part of the strip easily. But certainly the 1 inch strips will work just fine.

Melanie, I hope you try the checkerboard idea. Sounds interesting!


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