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I am a wife, mama and grandmama getting through life by hanging on to a needle and thread.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Quick Strippie

I have been trying to finish my UFO's before starting any new projects, but I really needed something bright and cheery to work on while my computer was in the shop. I convinced myself that using my stash fabrics was pretty much the same as working on a UFO, so I dug these fabrics out of the closet and stitched this quilt top together. I used Mary's Quick Strippie pattern and it went together in no time at all and really made a pretty quilt top. Now I just have to piece a backing and get it quilted, so it doesn't become another UFO!


1. Anya said...

Hah, I bet my current DJ block has more pieces than that quilt!

Seriously, though...that's a cute quilt. And yes, making something from your stash counts as a UFO in my book.

2. Barb said...

This is so cute...very Spring like! Doesn't it feel good using from the stash?

3. Karen said...

A very nice quilt to welcome Spring.

4. Hunter said...

What a cheerful quilt. I love the colors.


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