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I am a wife, mama and grandmama getting through life by hanging on to a needle and thread.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Happy Spring!

Today is the day that I have been waiting for all winter long...the first official day of SPRING! We are still a long way from from green grass, leaves and flowers here in Northern Pennsylvania, but the robins are back and there are a few other signs that warm weather will soon be here to stay. Woohoo and happy Spring!

(To those of you living in the southern hemisphere I wish you a wonderful Autumn!)


1. Hunter said...

Happy Spring.

I love the birds. We have a Northern Cardinal family in the palm tree by our lanai.

I just love the birds with red on them.


2. Jean said...

We are ready in Iowa too!!!

3. Anonymous said...

Ooo I feel like I've been waiting for real Spring for so long this year! I love the feeling of warmth and new life in the air. :-) I keep thinking of easter colours- lilacs, soft yellows, pale pinks and gentle greens. Lovely after the Winter colour palette.

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