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I am a wife, mama and grandmama getting through life by hanging on to a needle and thread.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

More On Basting

I received a lot of questions about basting after Sunday's "Basting Up A Storm" post, so I thought I would elaborate a bit on my basting method. About a year ago I was introduced to Sharon Schamber's Pinless Painless Basting and I haven't considered basting a quilt any other way since. Even though it's probably the fastest and easiest way to baste a quilt, I have never cared for pin basting. The pins are always in the way and they just don't seem to hold as well as thread basting. Before finding Sharon's method I always thread basted the "old fashioned way" (on the floor crawling around on my hands and knees with a needle and thread) which worked fine, but it also meant that I wouldn't be able to walk for two days after basting a quilt! Sharon Schamber's Pinless Painless Basting method involves a table, two 1x4 finished boards, a spool of DMC cotton thread and a needle and no crawling on your hands and knees! You can learn more about this method by watching the instructional video at the Sharon Schamber Network. http://sharonschambernetwork.com/free_area/videos/basting/index.html

1 comment:

1. jovaliquilts said...

Thanks so much for the link! Words are very helpful, but pictures are even better.

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