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I am a wife, mama and grandmama getting through life by hanging on to a needle and thread.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

I Couldn't Resist

Yesterday a couple of my quilty friends and I went to a craft rummage sale that was sponsored by the Corning (NY) Quilter's Guild. So much for my fabric diet...walking into that huge room filled with tables that were all over flowing with craft supplies, fabric, yarn, quilting books and patterns all at rummage sale prices was more than I could resist. I found charm packs for 50 cents each, 1 yard cuts of quilt shop quality fabrics for a dollar and a dollar also bought a large piece of the softest pink fleece. Actually, at those prices, I should probably be proud of myself for limiting my purchases to just one bag!


1. M. Regina said...

Beautifil fabrics you bought. We can't resist...we have to buy. Hugs from Brazil

2. Jocelyn said...

I don't think I could have resisted either! What a great find.

3. Anya said...

It was great fun! I'm glad we all got some bargains...now we just have to figure out what to make with all that fabric.

4. Barb said...

Two things...you have great will power,(!) and why didn't you take me along :>)?

WOW oh WOW that would be quite the find, you did great with your choices of fabric!!

5. Deb said...

ROFLMAO, so what was that???????
You have done really well up until now Susan... who could resist those lovely fabrics!!!

6. IHaveANotion ~ Kelly Jackson said...

I understand completely!!! Welcome to the recovery movement....where we resist recovery....I would not have resisted either :)


7. Jean said...

What a great sale!!!! I would love to browse through all the leftovers of other quilters...Looks like you got some great buys!!!! At those prices it would be a crime NOT to buy!

8. Anonymous said...

Those really were wonderful prices Susan. Here in the UK fabric can be £9-£15 a metre, A FQ on average is £2.50. Well done for only getting one bag. I am sure I would've got just a wee bit more... like a truck load. :-)LOL

9. Anonymous said...

I'd say this was a good splurge. If we're equating it to diets, it'd be like having your fill of carrots and apples.

I wish I could find some great sale like that around here!

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