About Me

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I am a wife, mama and grandmama getting through life by hanging on to a needle and thread.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

May Giveaway Day!

Today is the May Giveaway Day hosted by Sew, Mama, Sew! and I'm joining in the fun! For this giveaway I am offering a Fat-Quarter Scrap-bags pattern along with two fat quarters...enough fabric to make not one, but two great bags!

Here are a few simple rules:

Just leave a comment on this post to enter. Any old comment will do, but it would be great if you could tell me where you are from or a little something about yourself.

I will ship internationally, so everyone is eligible to win, but please only one entry per person.

The giveaway will be open until midnight (EST) on May 31, 2009. The winner will then be chosen at random and announced Monday, June 1, 2009.

The winner will be notified by email, so please make sure I have a way to contact you. If the winner does not respond within 48 hours, another entry will be chosen to receive the prize.

There are lots and lots of craft blogs participating in the May Giveaway Day, so be sure to stop by Sew, Mama, Sew! for the complete list of participating sites!


1 – 200 of 323   Newer›   Newest»
1. Anya said...

Great giveaway, Susan! It's me, one of your quilting buds from gorgeous Wellsboro, PA! Thanks for the chance.

2. Anne said...

What a nice giveaway! I'm from Huntsville, AL and am a relatively new quilter, but I love all kinds of crafts!

3. Becky said...

Love your scrap bag give-away. I'm Becky. I live in a northern suburb of Atlanta. I'm an elementary school librarian. Today is my first day of Summer vacation. I'm celebrating by reading blogs and sewing. Thanks for participating in this give-away!

4. dream quilt create said...

What a different giveaway. I love your blog, it inspires me in my quilting endevors.

5. Kiwifruit-Shiree said...

Hey Susan,
I'm form the south of New Zealand, quite cold here currently, I love your scrap bag giveaway - well done - great idea!

6. Mary on Lake Pulaski said...

Nice giveaway. I am from Minnesota and have been a follower.

7. quiltingnana said...

your giveaway sound fun...also love your recipes!!!!

8. Dayna said...

Dayna from Larsen, WI. I follow you on my Google reader.

9. Cathy M said...

Hey it's Cathy from hot, hot Texas. I read your blog regularly and really enjoy it. Keep on posting.

10. Jean said...

Sounds like fun, thanks for the opportunity to win! I'm from Iowa and it is my first day of summer break!!!

11. free indeed said...

Hi again. I made the sugar cookie bars last night like I said I would. Yum! These are fast and I know I'll make them when the grands come to visit! I'm Shelley from northern Maine and I've 'visited' here before many times....thanks for participating in the giveaway!

12. Cheryl said...

Great giveaway, I love it! I also love the name of your blog. My first visit here, I'm glad to meet you. Stop by and see my blog and enter to win my giveaway as well! Thanks!

13. Michele said...

I'm making the sugar cookie cake today! I'm primarily a hand piecer and hand quilter, but slowly switchig over--- too many ideas, not enough time.

14. Jocelyn said...

What a really cool pattern. I am a faithful follwer :-) and live in Florida!


15. marlene@ByTheSeam said...

Hi Susan, I am originally from your area and now live in KS. I enjoyed your post on basting a quilt and I finally found a nice quilt shop in Corning through your links so next time I go back there....

16. Miss Amenta said...

Jen from Connecticut here... Love the giveaway and am a beginning sewer - scraps are a lifeblood! Have fun everyone and thanks for the chance to win.

17. Terri said...

Thanks for participating in the SMS giveaway day. Stop by mine to if you have time. I would love an entry into yours as well.

18. two hippos said...

What a lovely giveaway. I'm from Michigan and doing a giveaway and hosting a fabric swap. Come and check it out :)

19. Anonymous said...

The best part of giveaway day has been discovering so many great blogs :)

20. Little Munchkins said...

What a lovely giveaway! Would love to be in the running for the giveaway please.

I am from Australia :)

21. Unknown said...

I would love to bulk up my scrap pile for all the awesome scrap quilt projects out there.

22. Colibi said...

Looks like a great pattern:)

23. Becky said...

What a fun idea! I'm Becky from Utah and I love reading quilting blogs from everywhere around the world.

24. Jeanne said...

Thanks for sharing. I am from Wisconsin, live on a farm, work 50 hours a week and try to squeak some quilty time in for myself when ever I can. We have 3 Grown Daughters who think we have a swinging door, horses, dogs, cats, veggie garden, flower beds, rock garden, and numerous other things going on. We wouldn't know what to do if we had a day to sit around and do nothing. WE WOULD BE BORED.

25. Max. H said...

Greetings from Canada! I love all kinds of crafts, but just recently got back into sewing after being separated from my sewing machine for the last few years while overseas. Fantastic giveaway & blog!

26. Paula L. said...

Hi, I'm Paula and I live in Lisbon, Portugal. Thanks for the giveaway!
ap_lemos at yahoo dot com

27. Robin (RsIslandCrafts) said...

Love the pattern.

I'm quilting down here in sunny SW Florida :)

28. Anonymous said...

great giveaway. thanks for the chance to win


29. Rachel said...

I'm from Memphis, and I'm only 16! Yay! :D

30. Jackie Russell said...

Great giveaway! I love all crafts but I try to keep to quilting and sewing mostly. I'm from Warrenton, MO.

31. the mama monster said...

great giveaway! i am from utah and i love collecting fabric and anything craft related.

32. Kara said...

I am from sunny california, which is looking not so sunny today!
millkara [at] gmail.com

33. katrina said...

My name is Katrina, and I'm from Ottawa (Canada). I've just been quilting for a year or so, but I'm definitely hooked. :)

34. LFinn said...

Thanks for a great giveaway! I love to sew, but Quilts scare me--I am working through that! I live in North Carolina, and want to sew well enough to make clothes for my little girl.

35. Kate said...

I am from beautiful Texas! The myth is that we all walk around in cowboy boots and ride our horses to the mall...if only that were true!!

36. Sarah said...

I live in Utah and have 4 girls that I love to sew for.

37. Steph said...

crossing my fingers...

38. Guute said...

This is a beautiful give away! May I join.

39. britt said...

hey my name is britt from indiana. thanks for joining in the fun today.

40. Sara said...

Nice giveaway...

My name is Sara and I live in New Hampshire. Am a quilter and knitter! And, I am RETIRED! That's the best part!

Nice to meet you, Susan!

41. Unknown said...

How fun is this give.a.way??? I'm Heather... Wife, Mother, Etsy shop owner, Blogger, and huge autism activist! I live in Central oregon and I'm giving up my sunshine to spend the day looking at all the wonderful blogs and give.a.ways! Thanks!!! :)

42. Nancy said...

Clicked over here from Sew,Mama,Sew and love your giveaway. Gonna have to give my daughter your sugar cookie bar recipe.

43. Amy said...

I love being able to make things with small bits of fabric as it keeps sewing economical. Thanks for the giveaway!

44. Loralynn said...

What a great giveaway! I am in the thumb of Michigan and I have a problem...I am always making new purses! But, seriously, can a girl have TOO many purses??? My Husband just doesn't understand.

45. Alexandra said...

I'm from Albuquerque. Some people like it here...too much sun for my taste. Now I need to go back and read about those sugar cookies...

46. Unknown said...

Great giveaway! Thank you!

47. Liz said...

Ooooh, lovely giveaway! Thanks for hosting! I'm from just outside Detroit MI and a stay at home mom looking to increase her sewing skills a bit! (thus my finding you through SMS!)

48. melonkelli said...

I'm in California. I'm trying to get back into sewing after 15 years -- I've got to dust off my sewing machine and relearn how to thread the serger!

49. GinnyRit said...

Love the pattern! I'm from Blacksburg, Virginia and work for the Virginia Tech Alumni Association. Go Hokies! And I love to sew, of course :-)

50. Dolores said...

Hello from Toronto. I quilt with two other women and we call ourselves the Champagne Quilters. We make quilts to give to charities so they can raffle them off and make money.

51. Jules@MoonCatFarms said...

Hi from Central California. What a great giveaway. Please enter me in the drawing. I'm glad to have found your blog, cute title.

52. Kyra said...

Hi, I'm from Spokane, Washington. I also have a three year old son, so I don't get as much time to sew as I'd like. Thanks for the chance to win!

53. Jennwith4 said...

Love the giveaway! I just started learning to sew in January and I love it! I also just started a blog to follow along on my learning journey. www.sewingthestressaway.blogspot.com

54. Raspberry said...

A little something....I'm in Colorado while my husband is getting his PhD. I have a darling toddler and also use a needle and thread to hang onto my sanity. :)

55. Jingle said...

Hi! I'm from Massachusetts! These patterns look like useful little things! Great giveaway idea!

56. Jennadesigns said...

Great giveaway! I'm from Sheboygan, Wisconsin on Lake Michigan. I'm a work-at-home mama of two little ones and full-time nursing student. Thanks for participating in the giveaway (I am too!)

57. Anonymous said...

Fun giveaway! I'm from Utah and a mother of one rambunctious toddler! You can contact me at designsbykrl@gmail.com

58. ikkinlala said...

I'd love to enter! I'm from BC, Canada, and I'm a beginner when it comes to sewing.

59. Laurel said...

Neat pattern!

60. Signest said...

I'm live in Copenhagen. Copenhagen is the capital of Denmark a tiny sountry with just 5½ million citizens :)

61. RebekahP said...

I have an obsession with fat quarters! :-)

Hoping to win this pattern!!

62. Susan said...

Glad I found your blog, it is adorable. I live in North Carolina and I knit as well as sew.

63. Anonymous said...

I seem to be getting through life by hanging on to a needle and thread too! I sew dog-inspired items and have an online business with my bestfriend from high school. She's in Missouri and I am in California.

64. Anonymous said...

How can you stand to give it away?! What a nice prize. Thanks for the chance to win.
(from MLQG)

65. Simply Mangerchine said...

Great giveaway! I've been living in New Orleans, LA for about 2 months now, and LOVE it!


66. Peggy said...

Besides the chance of winning, the best part of the Giveaway is to discover new blogs like yours! I hope you'll get a chance to visit "Texas," too!

67. affectioknit said...

This is such a nice giveaway - I'm from NC but living in ND...

68. Amy said...

Love that pattern! I'm a fabric addict in Utah who is gearing up to start quilting! Woohoo!

69. Susan said...

Love this giveaway! I'm also Susan, living in North Vancouver, BC. I'd love to be entered in your draw!

70. Aimee said...

I live in northern Idaho and really enjoy sewing! I have a super husband and 5 super kids. I don't think life could get any better!!!

I love the polka dots!!!

71. andrea creates said...

Great giveaway-love patterns!
i am in Southern Calif. and I have an etsy shop- I'm also doing a blog giveaway today:)

72. Charissa said...

Very nice giveaway! I'm from Cleveland, TN and I love sewing and crafting.

73. uvegotmail said...

Hi Susan...I am a recent "empty-nester" from Cape Cod. With my children living so far away from home for the first time in their lives as well as mine, I recently reclaimed and transformed an entire room into a new sewing studio. With the help of my husband,(he did the homework) my children gifted me with not one, but three sewing machines (they included the serger!!)for my birthday. I think the gifts were that I only call them once per day. That said, I have discovered blogs like Sew,Mama,Sew and this May Giveaway Day and used them as a source of inspiration to reconnect with all things made by hand and then given from the heart. Thank you so much for your fabulous blog and hosting such a generous give away. I will look forward to visiting again.

74. Brooke said...

I am from Virginia and have recently made the switch from garment sewing to quilting.

75. Unknown said...

What a wonderful giveaway & an inspiring blog! Thanks for your generosity!

76. CJ said...

Fun stuff! I see paisleys!! I LOVE paisley fabric, patterend papers, and my paisley birkenstocks!

77. White Way to Light said...

What a wonderful givesway! My name is Jen and I am from Chestermere, Alberta, CANADA! Thanks so much for the chance to win! :)

78. Barbara said...

I love using fat quarters to make things. This looks great. I am at the Jersey shore, enjoying the beach and the sewing machine.

79. Anonymous said...

Wonderfully generous of you. I would so love to win since I live 4 hours from the nearest fabric/craft store. This would be great to make!

80. Rose and Patrick said...

Thanks for the chance to win! I'm recently relocated to NJ and have found quilting stores to be a great place to make new friends!

81. Marsel said...

Fun! Love that green paisley especially. I am a Georgia girl transplanted from upstate NY, by way of Chicago! I come from a long line of crafting women and thoroughly enjoy the satisfaction of all things homemade.

82. Bethany said...

Hi! I am from SLC, Utah. I love to sew, especially dresses for my little girl!

83. hcotten said...

What a great giveaway. Thanks!

84. Jeannine said...

Hi! I just found you when you entered my giveaway. I live in northeast Indiana. Mom of 3, habitual crafter and bargain finder. I'll be back to check your blog soon. thanks for the giveaway.

85. Sha nay nay said...

I'm from TX and I love all sorts of sewing crafts!

86. Anne said...

Coming to you form Over the Picket Fence... love your giveaway.

87. rhian said...

Hello from Sheffield, UK (home of the Full Monty, excellent cutlery and so much more!). I've just started sewing and I think a scrap bag would be the perfect project to expand my skills!

88. Jenna H. said...

Thanks for the giveaway!
jmhamlin826 AT yahoo DOT com

89. Peggi said...

Hi, Sue-
I'm here to get your sugar cookie bar recipe. Your cookies are always wonderful! Enjoyed our sewing time today. Your star quilt is coming along very well.

90. Victoria van der Laan said...

Hello there! I'm in Albany, NY, not too far from you! I live downtown in a recently renovated carriage house.

Thanks so much for the chance!

91. Anonymous said...

Great give-away. I love winning the instructions and the materials!

I'm a mom. I like to knit and sew and quilt.

92. Tanya said...

Great giveaway! I'm from California. :)

93. Amy Godinez said...

Awesome giveaway. I'm Amy from Vegas.

94. Eema-le said...

I'm a SAHM from WI and I'm addicted to sewing. More fabric please :)

95. Can't Believe I'm Sewing said...

Great giveaway. I am just starting to sew so I love the idea of a pattern and the fabric to go with it!

96. Ellyn said...

Count me in! I'm from Texas. Well, not really. I'm from Ohio. Then Colorado. & now.... Texas! Sorry you asked?

97. beccy said...

Oooh, I like those bag patterns! I'm from York, England - we have a Minster, Bar walls and a tower, it's history-tastic!

98. Ali said...

I'm from Houston, TX but South Florida before that.

99. Becky said...

I am in Australia, and am a stay at home mum which gives me plenty of time to bake, sew and read children's books :)

100. pippinsequim said...

I'm Ruth from California, and I'm working on a baby quilt at the moment. Well, a quilt for a niece who is currently a baby. I'm making it twin sized, because by the time I'm finished, she will probably be out of her crib.

101. --ginger. said...

I love scraps--and what a great bag pattern. I'm a sew-with-what-I-find sewer.

102. Linda Schiffer said...

I love dropping in to read your blog. One of my friends had occasion to visit your town regularly some time ago (her m-i-law lived there:) and that makes me feel like I almost know you. Grin

I am primarily a quilt maker and I think your give-aways are great!

:) Linda
quilter at lhsdesigns dot com

103. Charity said...

Hi there, I am Charity from BC, Canada! I am a new sewer, and having lots of fun learning about things I can make out of fat quarters.

104. RachelL said...

I live in N. California and just started sewing so I can make my 4 year old daughter some cute clothes.

Thanks for your generosity

AND I am so making those sugar cookie bars!

105. Erin @ Why Not Sew? Quilts said...

What a nice give away! I'm in PA!

106. no4daughter said...

hi. I grew up and currently work in Northeastern Minnesota. I live in Northwestern Wisconsin and I love to sew. I mostly make clothing and accessories but recently made my first 2 quilt tops. I haven't quite figured out how to quilt them yet.

107. Maggie said...

Hi I'm Maggie. I live in Lake City, CO. I taught myself to quilt when I was 18 then I taught my mom.

Thank you for hosting this generous giveaway.

108. letter zed said...

Hi, my name is Julie and I'm from Montréal.

109. Barb said...

What a great give-away... I'm Barb from BC, Canada...

110. Sarah DeSalvo said...

Yay! I'd love to win!

111. Anonymous said...

Thanks for participating. I wish I had time to read all the comments. I love learning more about fellow crafters. Me, I'm a North Carolina natiave, but have been San Jose, CA for 7 years now. I love it!

112. azteclady said...

This is a great giveaway!

Well, all of them are so generous and kind.

I am just a beginner, trying to get better at sewing projects. Thank you for the chance to enter the drawing!

azteclady1 at gmail dot com

113. Bec Clarke said...

Oh I love a good bag pattern.
Thanks for the giveaway, feel free to visit mine.

114. Knitlee said...

Sherman, CT! Great giveaway!

115. stitchernow said...

I love the name of your blog (and your blog.) We've all felt that way from time to time and making quilts really helps be hang on.

116. Jenny H said...

Lovely! I'm from Illinois and a new quilter, I love patterns to follow, I need all the help I can get right now.

117. Leigh said...

What a cute bag! Another Wisconsinite here, on the outskirts of Madison.

118. Adriana said...

Nice scrap bag but I have to say I'd rather have the cookie bars!

119. ~Laurie~ said...

Hi there!
I'm from Clinton, Maine and have been quilting for a few years, more seriously over the last 5 years. I am learning hand quilting and really love giving away my creations. It's great to know that someone is snuggling up in one of my quilts!
Thank you for this chance to win!

120. Collette said...

What a lovely giveaway! I'm Collette from Chicago. (You'd think I planned that, but no.) I'm a SAHM to a toddler just entering into the temper tantrums twos. Yikes! Lately I've been sewing/knitting smaller projects since that's all his highness gives me time for!

Except I saw those sugar cookie bars--they look wonderful. I have the same issue with rolling that you do so I'm going to have to try them.

121. Mommyof2girlz/StephD said...

Thanks for the great giveaway! I'm from San Diego, CA and I am mommy to 2 awesome little girls.

122. Tina said...

I'm Tina from Greenville, SC. I love sewing, mostly for my boys. Haven't found much time for it lately (because of 3 boys 5 and under), but I a get a few minutes in here and there when I can.
Thanks for the give-a-way!

123. Lucy C said...

Thanks for a great giveaway - fingers crossed.

124. Unknown said...

pretty fabric! I'm Sarah and I love doing everything crafty! :)

125. Elizabeth said...

Too cute and I was just saying I needed a new bag. Oh, and I'm Elizabeth, homeschooling mom to three daughters up here in chilly New Hampshire.

126. craftytammie said...

Hi, I'm in Kansas and I a sort of a fabric addict!

127. Nik said...

Thanks for the chance to win! I'm from Cincinnati, Ohio. nforgue(at)gmail(dot)com

128. Meghann said...

Love your giveaway:) I'm Meghann and currently living in VA. My husband is in the Navy so we tend to move a bit. I have been quilting for just over a year now and have loved every minute of it.


129. Wood Violet said...

Hi, it's Karen from Ontario, Canada. Wonderful giveaway, please count me in.

130. Ciyou said...

such a lovely giveaway. I'm Ciyou from Malaysia and I enjoy crafting including sew, clay making, stamp carving and others...


131. Anonymous said...

I'm from UT and teaching myslef to sew- I have four darling kids, and the cookie bars look yummy!!

132. Jen said...

Thanks for the giveaway!

maisiesmom at gmail

133. PrincessMax said...

I'm Rebecca and I'm from Chicago. I'm about to graduate with a degree in Public Policy, which I equate to having more time to quilt. My fiance says I have to get a job, though. Boo.

134. Fish in Training said...

Love the give away! I'm from Ohio and am a beginner at sewing looking to expand my horizons :)

135. Jeni and Jenilee said...

I am in Crescent City, CA (which is about 20 minutes from Oregon) it is beautiful and green here! love it! thanks for the chance to win

136. Unknown said...

im building my stash!

jzuchows at princeton dot edu

137. Johanna said...

I love give-a-ways. :D

I'm just a crafty girl, stay at home mom, trying to get some work in on the side.

138. Renee G said...

I'm from Washington state and I love to bake, crossstitch and sew.

Your cookie bars look fantastic!

139. Elaine Cox said...

Would love to enter. Thanks for the chance. I'm a SAHM to two toddlers under the age of 3 (yikes!). I don't get a ton of time to sew, but I try to squeeze it in here and there. In Seattle. Love the name of your blog!

140. nanann said...

Thanks for the giveaway!

I'm currently from Austin TX, but really *from* Houston. Something about me: my husband and I never lived in the same city until the day we got married. We knew that 180 mile trip well!

141. Ariane said...

I would love to win. I'm from Canada and have been sewing since last August and now I'm addicted. It's so much fun. thanks for the giveaway.

142. Melissa@Vidastyle said...

I love the name of your blog! This looks like a lovely giveaway! I am from Newcastle Australia.

143. Deirdre said...

Hi! I'm from Northern California and I love to sew for hours on the weekends (not much time during the week with a full time job).

144. debbievds said...

Wow thanks for the giveaway - heres hoping!

145. debbievds said...

Hi I am from South Africa Thanks for the giveaway

146. michal said...

Thanks for participating in the giveaway.
well, I;m from Israel, mother of two. I started sewing a year ago for my girls, and... I guess I got hooked :-)
Thanks for the chance!

147. Tina said...

Thank you for the giveaway. I am living in Florida and love quilting for over 35 years.

148. Ange Moore said...

What a generous giveaway! I'm new to quilting (nearly finished my first quilt top) but have fallen in love with all the fabrics that are out there! I'm in Tasmania and loving blog-surfing and meeting new people and seeing there creativeness.

149. Christina said...

hi! lovely fabrics. thanks for the giveaway!
i'm Christina, from Portland Oregon and I teach baby sign language classes =)

150. Our Family said...

How fun, I hope I win!

151. carmel said...

thanks for the giveaway
im carmel 26 years old and 7 monthes pregnant. {not with my first and its not the second... its the third kid!}
any way i live in israel but i was born in the stats. hopefully i'll be back one day for good!

152. Nuts To You! said...

I am a SAHM mom from Lancaster PA. Thanks for the wonderful giveaway! I have just realized the fun in making bags!!


153. Amanda W said...

Oooh what a gorgeous and generous giveaway!! Please enter me into the draw.

My name is Amanda from Brisbane, Australia ;-)

154. Martina said...

Hi. I am Martina from switzerland and love your give away. Thanks for the chance to win.I just love making small things.

155. Miri said...

I am Miri. I'm from Israel. Please count me in! Thank you so much for your generosity! samjerus[at]yahoo.com

156. xstpenguin said...

Greetings from Scotland! We are expecting a heatwave this weekend... 70degreeFarenheit. Oooh.

I love making bags. I love fat quarters - so that pattern looks great!


157. Knittin' Diva said...

My name is Bette, and I am a Bag-A-Holic! Got a bad, bad thing for bags. My newest endeavor, hand quilting. I Love It!

158. Megan said...

I'm always looking for ways to use up small pieces! Thanks for the opportunity! -- Megan


159. tara said...

so happy to meet you with this game!
i'm from France, and i love cross stitching, sewing...i have 3 daughters...
many thanks for this beautiful giveaway...a real dream for my eyes...

tara from http://atelierdetara.canalblog.com/

you can play on my blog too;o)

160. Anonymous said...

Oh my Susan! 161 people! Eek!

Well you know me, North West UK, loving crafts and sharing the UK with you.

161. IHaveANotion ~ Kelly Jackson said...

Oh yes...add my name to the jar!!!

I think it is so fun that you are participating in the giveaway. I did one on another site and I'm just wondering when I'm going to have time to make the items I'm giving away ~:O

I like your idea...a pattern and fabric...why didn't I think of that? You girls need to clue me in OK?


162. fieryone said...

I'm from Canada, and I love the scrap bag giveaway. Count me in!

163. Sarah said...

I am from Ottawa, Canada. I'm a scientist by day, sewer by night :)

164. Kiana said...

What a great giveaway! I am Sara from Florida. I love sewing for my 3 girls.

165. Marta said...

I'm a first-timer on giveaway day. So ecxiting! Thanks for your great giveaway and the chance to win. I'm from Ontario, Canada, a mom to 3 kids, a full-time teacher and I love to sew when I have a couple of minutes of "free" time. -Marta-

You can reach me at schneima@lkdsb.net

166. Anonymous said...

HI. I am excited to try that sugar cookie bar recipe!! I live in Novato, CA (near Napa) on a small acreage with a hen flock of 19, a Lab dog, 3 cats and lots of wild birds and deer. I am married with 3 kids--18, 11, and 13 months. I love to sew, knit, quilt, and embroider when time permits each day. I love your blog and am inspired each time i read it! Thanks sew much, Cindy

167. Mendi said...

Thanks for the giveway from your friend in AR.

168. grandmarockton said...

wonderful giveaway! I'm sandra from the midwest come check out my blog THANKS

169. Kandra said...

Thanks for the opportunity!

170. beagoodmom said...

Hello from IL. please enter me!

171. Katie said...

I am originally from Virginia, but went to school in SC (thought I would like the weather, but it's actually too hot there), and now live in Boston (quite the change). I realize now that I LOVE the change of the seasons, most especially fall.

172. Sue said...

Love your give away. I am a proud grandmother from FL! I love sewing bags so I would love your give away. Thanks for participating in the May Give Away!

173. Anonymous said...

I'm from St. Louis! Thanks for the giveaway!

174. merlinthecat said...

Hi! What a great give away. I'm very new to sewing and love it!
merlinthecat at gmail dot com

175. EightPP said...

Hi, I am from Rhode Island & I've been sewing for a little under a year now.

Thanks for the giveaway!

176. Anonymous said...

Wonderful giveaway. Thank you for a chance to win...Id love to try sewing other than the quilting I do. I am from Fort Wayne, IN and mother of two children. Mostly stay at home with them. Volunteer at the hospital. Thanks again. Jenny

177. jjergensen said...

Great idea on the sugar cookie bars- I am passing that on to my addicted brother. And I am a one quilt every two years kinda gal in Baltimore.

178. javede said...

Hi, I am from Germany!
You can contact me via a comment on my blog or the email provided there.

179. Linda T said...

Count me in! I'm from the Niagara Region (about 1/2 hour away from Niagara Falls) in Ontario, Canada. Enjoy your giveaway!

180. Rafael's Mum said...

what a lovely giveaway ! thank you for the chance to win !

181. Lisa said...

Hi Susan! I'm Lisa from Indiana. I am looking forward to summer break - which starts today for my kids! My daughter took home ec. this year and is comfortable using my sewing machine. I can't wait to share the summer with her crafting!

Thanks for a chance to win! :)


182. isabel f. said...

Thanks for hosting such a great giveaway!
count me in, please!!
My name is Isabel and I'm from Coimbra / Portugal :))
I am completely in love with fabrics:))
and I am taking the first steps in Quilts:)

go see my giveaway
and my flickr :))
hugs Isabel

183. Unknown said...

Hi! I'm from rural Iowa, and don't have much sewing experience, but I'm working on it!! Thanks for the chance to win this great giveaway!

184. Kaye Prince said...

Hi Susan *waves* I'm Kaye and I'm from Toronto, Ontario Canada. I like all different kinds of crafting, but the big one right now is sewing (I'm making a quilt as a wedding gift). I hope you're having a great day and thanks for the wonderful giveaway!

185. Julia Marie said...

I'm Julia, from Texas. This is my first stop here, but I love your blog

186. Unknown said...

Thanks for hosting such a great giveaway! I am in NYC. :)

187. Bethany said...

If the fabrics in the picture are the ones you're giving away I'd sure be a happy camper if I won! I love greens and blues!

Happy give-away day!

188. Jennifer Ladd said...

Great giveaway! Thanks! I'm from Milwaukee, WI, and I'm a stay-at-home mom and I sew!

189. Ana said...

Nice giveaway!
I'm from Belgium but currently living in Canada, and have just started to sew.

190. Paula #870 said...

hey, I'm Paula from Georgia and I love sewing, knitting, painting and all kinds of things! Check out my blog!

191. Leigh said...

fun! I'm Leigh, from Richmond VA. And I'm a sew-a-holic. And apparently I'm a giveaway-a-holic too.

192. Unknown said...

Fun! Thanks for sharing :)

193. Dresden Quilter said...

Thank you for such a great giveaway. I am from Ontario, Canada. I crochet, cross-stitch, knit, and sew. I feel as though I have found my niche in quilting.

194. bethany said...

Thank you so much for doing this. I love making bags, that was my first sewing projects!!! I am from Salem, oregon and love to sew during all the rainy seasons. I have four wonderful children that keep me hopping, but love to watch me sew...I am blessed!!!

195. ktquilts said...

Greetings from Indiana! Great giveaway!!!

196. Unknown said...

I'm from Kernersville, NC I am a SAHM of three kids!

197. Amy said...

I really like this giveaway! I've recently started making bags, and the pattern looks very interesting.

About me... I'm Canadian, but I have lived in Taiwan for almost a year now, teaching English with my husband. It's really great to travel and experience different cultures, although sometimes its not fun being illiterate... :P

198. Lorene said...

Thanks for participating in the giveaway! I'm a working mom of 2 boys who is lucky enough to have a stay-at-home, income producing husband!

199. sb said...

I'm Shelly from Texas and am a new sewer. This would be a great win!

200. Jen said...

I'm Jennifer from Arkansas. Thanks for the chance to win.

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