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I am a wife, mama and grandmama getting through life by hanging on to a needle and thread.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Little Cowboy Feet

I finally finished the lil' cowboy's artwork wall hangings! The one with the blue border will be hung in my sewing room with the the others in the series. The one with the gold borders is on its way to the lil' cowboy's house in North Carolina...I just wish I was the one delivering it and not the mailman!


1. jovaliquilts said...

So sweet! Sorry you can't deliver it in person.

2. Lil' Cowboy's Mommy said...

They turned out GREAT!!! I'm so excited to get it...what do you mean you can't hand deliver it? :o) You know you want to...it's even supposed to be nice and sunny this weekend!

3. Barb said...

Adorable ~ you did a great job with the "little cowboy feet"..a treasure forever! I have a sweatshirt with the little handprints of the four grandchildren, and the hands were tiny then and now the hands are much larger, but I love the shirt and smile everytime I wear it!

The wonderful surprise arrived today...thank you so very much, it helped my day more then you can know!

4. Deb said...

Susan, they look so cute and what a lovely "forever" memory.

5. Anonymous said...

They are marvellous and so special. Great job Susan.

6. ~Laurie~ said...

Just adorable - what a treasured gift this will be!

7. marlene@ByTheSeam said...

Those are cute. I would love to see the series you have hanging. It is so nice that you have done that, they are treasures now and for the future.

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