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I am a wife, mama and grandmama getting through life by hanging on to a needle and thread.

Friday, May 22, 2009

A Linus Finish

Even with all of the beautiful weather this week, I still managed to finish this Project Linus quilt! I mention Project Linus quite a bit in my blog posts, but I think some things are worth repeating every now and then... Project Linus is a non-profit organization that provides handmade quilts, blankets and afghans to children who are hospitalized, seriously ill or otherwise in need. Project Linus quilts are a great way to try out new patterns or techniques and you certainly don't have to be an expert to create a blanket that is beautiful to a child. If you can quilt, crochet, or knit - please consider making a quilt or blanket for a child who needs a little extra love.


1. Barb said...

Wonderful suggestion to create the Linus Project Quilts, I am with you on this one! Granddaughter and I have also added in the *Hugs and Kisses* for the Hershey Medical Center thru Quilt Odyssey, and the Kelsey's Dream Blanket Project! Children love quilts, they can *hug a blankie* forever! This type of project is good for using orphan blocks, test runs on a new pattern and using up the stash! Just feels good to do it with *love in your heart* and it will serve a wonderful purpose!

2. jovaliquilts said...

Neat quilt! Looks great! Did you ever find your needle?

3. Jean said...


4. Anonymous said...

That is lovely Susan. Well done for supporting such a worthy cause.

5. Donna said...

I also am a Project Linus supporter. I love your quilt, and think that's a wonderful pattern for Project Linus, or anything else for that matter!

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