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I am a wife, mama and grandmama getting through life by hanging on to a needle and thread.

Sunday, December 28, 2008

A Quilty Christmas!

There may be hope for my husband's shopping skills after all...look at the beautiful quilt kit that he picked out for me for Christmas! The quilt pattern is Yorktown Strippy Sampler and it is available free online (along with a lot of other free quilt patterns) at the Andover Fabrics website. I'm anxious to get started on this quilt, but I have a few projects that I need to finish first. Hmm...maybe wanting to start this new project will give me the extra incentive needed to finish those UFO's fast!


1. Barb said...

Oh boy, I can't wait to see the end results with this fabric and pattern ~~ your hubby did a great job selecting your gift! Jo Morton fabrics are just the best IMHO...I love the fabrics!

2. Anonymous said...

What lovely fabrics Susan! Yes a very good idea to finish off your UFOs and reward yourself with a lovely new project with it.

I hope you are having a wonderful holiday.

3. quiltingnana said...

How lucky that you have such a savy hubby...

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