The rules of the award are:
1. The winner may put the logo on her blog.
2. Put a link to the person you got the award from in your blog.
3. Nominate 5 blogs.
4. Put links to the blogs.
5. Leave a message for your nominees.
My five nominees are (in no particular order)...
Anya at Hills Creek Quilter
Deb at The Angel and the Pukeko
Barb at *We* Quilt
Karen at Journey of a Quilter
Melanie at jellybeanangel
All of these ladies have wonderful blogs full of inspiration for quilters! Visit their blogs and I guarantee that you will be impressed with their talent.
Dear Susan, I got your email. Thank you very much for the award. I'm glad you like my blog. I'm trying to do what began as an advent calender but has drifted off into a Ludlow Castle snap happy fest. LOL The best laid plans of mice and men.
Thank you.
Thank you Susan! What a wonderful way to start the day. :)
Thanks Chook, what a surprise to wake up to.
Hi Susan, Thank you so very much for the award ~ WOW I am honored, and not sure I deserve the *Kreativ* word! Very special indeed and thank you again. I actually felt I was straying from the *quilting* part of my blog, but just tonight have an entry about quilting ;>)!!
Thank you, Susan! That's a nice surprise. I guess I can't nominate you, can I?
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