Last year daughter-in-law #2 asked for a tree skirt and stockings for Christmas and I was more than happy to make them for her. I had fabric left over from that project, so I thought that I would make another stocking to match the others for the little cowboy who will be arriving around Christmas time. The pattern that I used is from Eleanor Burns' book Christmas at Bear Paw Ranch, but a similar smaller version is also offered for free online on the Quilt In a Day Free Pattern Page.
That is so cute...lucky baby! Have you made a quilt for him? If you have posted about it already, sorry...
Susan, you are a wonderful grandmama!
Lovely stocking and a wonderful ideas. I made my daughter a stocking as a once off from my head, then of couse when son was born I had to use it as a pattern for him. Then hubby asked if he could have one so we have 4 of them lined up now. LOL Even the dogs have a tiny stocking (bought 1 year) which hang up too.
Stockings are so fun to make, and can be very creative...makes those creative juices really flow! I like this one, thanks for sharing with us!
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