Most of my tree decorations are handmade, either by me, our children, grandchildren or talented friends. This snowman is one of my favorites...it is made from a burned out light bulb and uses a tea dyed child's sock for the hat. It's a great way to recycle light bulbs and anyone can make them!
While I'm on the subject of Christmas, I want to thank my friend, Melanie, at Jellybean Angel for this Christmas Spirit Award.

You must be a true Christmas lover to receive this award. The person to whom you give the award must also be in love with Christmas. You must link back to the person who gave you the award. You must list 5 things that you love about Christmas. If you can't limit it to 5 things, then keep going till you run out of space! Pass the award along to as many people as you like. That can be 1 or 50. It's up to you! But, you must pass it on to at least one person in order to keep the Christmas cheer going! Let your recipients know that you have tagged them by leaving them a comment.
These are five things that I love about Christmas...
1. Baking Christmas cookies (and eating them!)
2. Classic Christmas music (Bing Crosby, Dean Martin, Frank Sinatra...)
3. Working on Christmas projects next to the fire.
4. Shopping and more shopping.
4. Shopping and more shopping.
5. Seeing my grandchildren so excited about the holiday.
I'm going to bend the rules a bit and rather than nominating specific blogs for this award, I would like to pass it on to all of you who love Christmas! Just leave a comment saying that you love Christmas along with a link to your blog if you choose to accept this award.
Lovely! Such a good re-use of bulbs and odd socks. (I have a theory they breed in the washing machine LOL)
Thanks for taking part in the award. I like classic Christmas songs too.
Wonderful blog entry, your ornament is adorable! I think I can smell your cookies baking ;>)! Have a great evening!
Wonderful snowman decoration!
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