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I am a wife, mama and grandmama getting through life by hanging on to a needle and thread.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Let The Holiday Baking Begin!

It's the time of year for some serious cookie baking! It's tradition here to have an assortment of cookies for our annual Christmas eve celebration. I normally bake a batch or two each week starting right after Thanksgiving and put them in the freezer (under lock and key) until Christmas eve. I have a couple of cookie recipes that are only made at Christmas time, but most of them are my regular cookie recipes "dressed up" for the holidays. The cookies shown in the photo are my Double Chocolate Chip Cookies with the only difference being that I used 1 cup of mini chocolate chips instead of a whole package of milk chocolate chips and then as soon as they came out of the oven I pressed a junior mint into the center of the cookie. Mmmmm!


1. Anonymous said...

What a lovely idea Susan. They look delicious.

2. quiltingnana said...

mmmm. I can almost smell the cookies

3. Barb said...

Thank you Susan for sharing the recipe, and I am sure they are a hit with all that have the chance to endulge! We have a cookie exchange coming up at the school, do you mind if I use your recipe (?), a unique change to choc. chip cookies!

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