Melanie at jellybeanangel awarded me this Blogging Friends Forever Award.
The rules are as follows:
1. 5 people are allowed to receive this award
2. 4 dedicated followers
3. 1 new follower to your blog who lives in another part of the world
4. Please link back to the person who gave you this award.
I will give this award to:
1. Julz of Julz Dezign
Julz lives in New Zealand and is a fairly new follower of my blog.
2. Anya at Hills Creek Quilter
Anya is the one who talked me into the idea of starting a blog...without her, I wouldn't have a blog to follow!
3. Barb at *We* Quilt
Barb was one of the first people to comment on my blog and has been a faithful follower from the beginning.
4. Kathy at Creative Urges
Kathy is another one who found my blog early on and has also been a faithful follower.
5. Kutiekare at Quilting With Grace
"Kutiekare" has been following my blog for awhile and always has a kind word to share.
Thank you Susan, what a wonderful surprise! I enjoy your blog, it is just like visiting a friend on a daily basis :-), you always share so much of your day with us, very creative postings! Thank you again!
Hia Susan, you are totally welcome to the award. I love coming here and seeing your creativity. :-0
Thanks again, Susan. The only problem is that most of the people who follow my blog are the ones you already nominated! I have very limited readership.
Thanks Susan for the award but I am so new to the blogging world that I have had only a few people comment on my blog. I don't think I've even had 5! As Anya said, I too have a very limited readership. I do read hers and yours as we use to camp at Hills Creek (when the family was young) and we Love the Wellsboro Diner!
I guess until we get "discovered", we'll just have to agree that we all nominate each other!
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