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I am a wife, mama and grandmama getting through life by hanging on to a needle and thread.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Quiltathon Progress Report

Judy Laquidara is hosting a quiltathon this weekend. I fully intended to spend the whole weekend sewing right along with her, but I got sidetracked yesterday by a shopping trip to the mall. I did manage to sew a few more burp cloths last night after I got home. I finished up the ones that I had started for the new grandbaby, made a couple for the holidays and even a couple for the little cowboy who will be here in just a few short weeks!


1. Anonymous said...

Well done! Stop reading this and get back to sewing. :-) What a wonderful idea.

2. Jean said...

those look so cute. I got a quilt quilted. Now on to blocks!

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