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I am a wife, mama and grandmama getting through life by hanging on to a needle and thread.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Some Really Cool Quilty Stuff!

This September marks the Mountain Laurel Quilt Guild's 10th anniversary. To help celebrate that anniversary we thought that it would be fun to put together a quilter's gift basket to be raffled at the end of our month long quilt exhibit. Guild members were asked to donate a new item "that a quilter would enjoy" for the gift basket in exchange for a free chance to win. There have been some wonderful items donated...rotary cutters, rulers, books, patterns, a beautiful hand beaded thimble holder, thread, embroidered needle cases, the list goes on and on! In fact there was enough donated for two baskets as well as a very nice third prize! Raffle tickets for the gift basket will be sold during the month of the quilt exhibit at the Gmeiner Art and Cultural Center for 50 cents each or three for a dollar.

1 comment:

1. Barb said...

Nice idea with the gift baskets, and your picture is showing some very nice supplies! I love your DJ block on your previous entry, it looks near perfect and I love the *Civil War* fabrics that you used!

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