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I am a wife, mama and grandmama getting through life by hanging on to a needle and thread.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

One Of My Favorite Quilts

I am fortunate to have several quilts that belonged to my maternal grandparents. The quilt shown in the photo is one of my favorites. Not because it is a beautiful example of a quilt, because it isn't. I'm not even sure it is technically a quilt! It is crib sized and simply squares of what I believe were probably upholstery samples pieced together with a solid red cotton backing. It does not have any batting and it isn't quilted or tied, so that probably eliminates it from the quilt category. It does however, have a very unique "binding" treatment that I would someday like to replicate on a quilt of my own. From what I can tell, the maker used a ruffle and then stitched (by hand) the top edge down to the bottom edge every inch all the way around the quilt creating a scalloped edging. The fancy edging isn't what makes this quilt my favorite though...it's the happy memories of the times spent at my grandparents farm that it holds that gives it such value.


1. Deb said...

That is so fantastic to have a quilt from a grandparent. As you say it doesn't need to have anything special other than that fact. I do love the ruffly binding though.

2. Barb said...

How very special, and truly a *quilt* to be loved! The binding is very unique, hmmmmmm let us know if you figure out how it was placed on the quilt! I think quilts from years ago were needing to be made with whatever was available ~ and that adds to the fact that they are treasures. You are very fortunate to have this!

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