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I am a wife, mama and grandmama getting through life by hanging on to a needle and thread.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Back To School

School starts today and all of a sudden I find myself less two grandgirls. "Miss One" is going into 2nd grade and "Miss Two" is starting Kindergarten. That leaves "Miss Three" (who is fast approaching the "terrible twos") and me to entertain each other two days a week. Something tells me that I shouldn't plan on getting much stitching done on those days!


1. quiltingnana said...

Grandkids going off to school is such a milestone. My "Miss Macy" had her first day of first grade yesterday.... Just think...soon they will grow into quilting buddies!

2. Barb said...

A sure sign of Fall seeing that school bus on your blog. Grandchildren are always so excited to tell *you* all about their day ~ their sweet little voices talking so fast, trying not to miss any detail of their day!

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