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I am a wife, mama and grandmama getting through life by hanging on to a needle and thread.

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Done Is Better Than Perfect

For all my guild sisters who are spending this holiday weekend frantically trying to finish their quilt exhibit entries remember...done is better than perfect!

*The song, Done Is Better Than Perfect, used in this video is performed by Cathy Miller, The Singing Quilter. Our guild was fortunate enough to have her perform for us last year...she puts on a very entertaining show!

**The quilts in the video are presented by members of the North Hastings Quilt Club to promote their upcoming "Festival of Quilts" show taking place on September 20th and 21st in Bancroft, Ontario Canada.


1. Anya said...

Susan -- I love it! Thanks for posting that -- I hope many of our guild members get to see that.

2. Barb said...

Susan ~ what a neat blog entry, I really enjoyed looking at the quilts, inspiration plus and the song that is with your blogging is SOOOOOOOO TRUE, how often quilters strive to make it perfect, DGD and I have the thought that only God is perfect, so we don't focus on perfect! The song is right "Done is Better Than Perfect" ~ that would put an end to UFOs for sure! Thanks for sharing this entry with all of us!

3. Barb said...

Adding a p.s. to my comment, Anya sent me your way with her blog entry ~~ it is fun being a PA gal!

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