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I am a wife, mama and grandmama getting through life by hanging on to a needle and thread.

Monday, August 12, 2013

Close, But Not Close Enough

The baby's quilt top is done and on the frame waiting to be quilted (pretty good progress if you ask me), but I didn't make the deadline...our new granddaughter was born yesterday morning!  She weighed in at 9 lbs. 13 oz. and apparently she is going to be the only member of our family who believes in being prompt! 


1. Diane said...


2. andsewon said...

Congratulations Grammy!! Good size baby gal! Best wishes to all!!

3. Kathy P said...

Congratulations! You'll be smiling the whole time you're quilting this one :)

4. evelyn said...

Congratulations. What fun grand daughters are! Happy quilting!

5. Terry said...

Congratulations!! :0)

6. Quiltdivajulie said...


She will LOVE your quilt for her and what a joy to quilt it knowing her name!

7. Teri said...

Congratulations! Best wishes to the family.

8. Valerie said...


9. Janet said...

Congratulations to the family! I'm sure the quilt isn't needed just yet so you have time.

10. Deb said...

How exciting, another little bundle of joy. Congratulations to everyone. I love the quilt and it will certainly be loved to pieces.

11. Nancy said...

Congratulations. New babies are always cause for celebration. The quilt looks lovely. Is there a post that shows all of it? I just love Peter Rabbit and it broke my heart to add the panel for a Peter Rabbit counting book panel to my Etsy shop, but I really have no one to make it for. I hope to see your finished quilt. Enjoy that baby!

12. MamaT said...

Congratulations! We're still waiting for ours. Now 2 days past due date.

13. Jean said...

Congrats! Good thing she was on time for her mama's sake...big baby!

14. Jean said...

Congrats! Good thing she was on time for her mama's sake...big baby!

15. Angie said...

Congratulations on the new grand daughter. She will love this quilt, and I'm sure you will make more for her. I still make quilts for my grand children and they are almost grown. 28, 21 and 16.

16. Holly said...

Omigosh I did not know that! Congrats! And the quilt is lovely, as usual, :-)

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