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I am a wife, mama and grandmama getting through life by hanging on to a needle and thread.

Friday, August 2, 2013

A Deal On New Curtains

Not only have we been helping to remodel our son's new home, but we have been doing a little work on our own home too.  Most recently we added new doors on our front porch and of course one thing led to another and I decided that I needed new curtains for the porch windows and doors.  My husband said to just buy new curtains and wasn't convinced that I could make them cheaper.  This proves that I was right...I got 8 yards of red check homespun at Joann Fabrics and with an assortment of coupons, it cost just over $30 and that includes the matching thread!  Definitely cheaper than buying curtains, but probably not faster...no telling when I will actually get them made!


1. ktquilts said...

I love check curtains!! They are going to be so cute!

2. Needled Mom said...

They'll be gorgeous when you do get them done. I love the fresh look of checks.

3. Jean said...

8 yds! that's a lot of curtains.!

4. evelyn said...

OMG what a bargain! Wish Joanne's would move to Canada! Love the red check.

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