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I am a wife, mama and grandmama getting through life by hanging on to a needle and thread.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

A Quilt For A Cause

Awhile back when I was on a mission to finish my unfinished quilt tops, I decided that rather than sending them all off to various charities like I normally do that I would hang on to a few of them for a rainy day.  Recently it rained.  I got word last week from a friend that she had lost a dear friend to breast cancer and  was planning a benefit in her memory.  I asked if she could use a quilt for the benefit...she was thrilled with the suggestion.  I put a label on the quilt, boxed it up and it's now on it's way to Cincinnati, Ohio to be part of a silent auction that will benefit The Pink Ribbon Girls in Pattie Noel's memory.  I would have never been able to put together a quilt on such short notice, so I'm glad that I had a few quilts set aside for just such an occasion.

To read more about Pattie and this event visit Tami Boehmer's webpage at www.tamiboehmer.com

To learn more about The Pink Ribbon Girls visit www.pinkribbongirls.org

In case any of you live in the Cincinnati area and would like to attend the benefit, you can find all of the details HERE


1. Exuberantcolor/Wanda S Hanson said...

Lots of times when I am giving a quilt to someone in person at my house, I let them choose one from 3 that I show to them. I'm always happy to have a pile to choose from.

2. Jean said...

That's a great idea!

3. Brenda said...

good idea. I have a few here like that myself, and recently gave one to an auction for a charity.

4. Quiltdivajulie said...

Mrs. Goodneedle mentioned a closet in her house that she hoped to fill with finished quilts for exactly the kind of scenario you described (her "idea moment" involved a neighbor in need if I remember correctly).

Good for you that you had one ready to offer (and I love the colors in the photo).

Off to explore the links you shared...

5. Needled Mom said...

How nice to have a quilt at a moment's notice. What a wonderful idea.

6. Jocelyn said...

That is such a great idea! And what a wonderful thing for you to do on such short notice.

7. Nancy said...

How wonderful that you had a quilt to send for the benefit. The colors look beautiful! How are things in Wellsboro? If you hear of anyone having huckleberries, please let me know. It would be worth the 4 hour drive.

8. Nancy said...

Do you have a face on photo of the quilt? The colors are so lovely - almost like the beautiful jewel-tones used in Amish quilts - that I would love to see the whole quilt. Thanks.

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