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I am a wife, mama and grandmama getting through life by hanging on to a needle and thread.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

What Was I Thinking?

Several of my friends and I got together for a much needed sew day yesterday.  A couple of friends were piecing tops, a couple were hand quilting, one was working on needle turn applique, and another was cutting tumblers with a Go!Cutter.  It was a wonderful day catching up with everyone after the holidays while each of us was doing our own thing.  One topic of discussion was sewing resolutions for the new year and everyone agreed that 2013 is the year of using stash fabric and finishing UFO's, so what was I thinking when I brought home this huge pile of Go! scraps?  I just couldn't let them go into the garbage!   There's a lot of good usable fabric in this pile, but did I really need another project or more fabric?


1. antique quilter said...

of course you did! I am sure you will make something beautiful with them
put them in a ziploc bag and put them away for awhile if need be but don't throw them out!

2. Terry said...

I'd have brought home the scraps too! After all, it's free fabric! :0)

3. Anya said...

If you hadn't taken them home, I would have...but I'm so glad that it was you!

4. Brenda said...

I would have fought you for them! but even little bits of new fabric makes our own stash sparkle. think of them as stash spark plugs!

5. Jean(ie) said...

Use them to create "made" fabric. Or perhaps a mini crazy quilt!

6. Quiltdivajulie said...

I'd have tussled with you AND Brenda - strings and crumbs - WOOT!

7. Cheryl said...

Yes you did, they will make a beautiful crazy quilt Mug Rug, table top or what ever you decide to make ,I am sure you will come up with something.
I am like you I hate to see fabric being wasted.

8. Janet said...

But someone elses scraps are so much better than our own, lol.

9. Pat Merkle said...

You've got to go with what calls you! I bet you will make something wonderful with them!

10. Peggi Yac said...

These are really small scraps! You should have let me throw them away, but now they are yours to deal with, not mine. LOL!

11. Peggi Yac said...

These are really small scraps! You should have let me throw them away, but now they are yours to deal with, not mine. LOL!

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