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I am a wife, mama and grandmama getting through life by hanging on to a needle and thread.

Monday, January 14, 2013

Scrappy Tumblers

While looking at the pile of Go!Cutter tumbler scraps that I brought home last week, the idea came to me that I should use my Go!baby and cut the scraps into 3" tumblers!  My plan is to sew these little tumblers together a la Bonnie Hunter's leaders and enders.  I'll need to add more tumblers to the pile to make a quilt (Please don't send me your scraps.  I have plenty...honest!) but this stack will get me off to a good start.  I love scrappy quilts and I think it will be fun to watch this one grow from saved bits and pieces!


1. Terry said...

I'd love to make a tumbler quilt someday! I'll be cutting mine by hand though. Have fun with yours! :0)

2. Bridget said...

I just received an accuquilt go cutter for Christmas and I love your leaders and enders idea! Thanks so much for the idea and the "push" to do something with my cutter.

3. Pat Merkle said...

Go! Tumblers! Amazing, those scraps in my hands would be sitting around forever!

4. Jean(ie) said...

Sounds like a great plan!

5. Gypsy Quilter said...

Those will make a very cute quilt. Just holler if you need more scraps - LOL

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