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I am a wife, mama and grandmama getting through life by hanging on to a needle and thread.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

A Finish Is Still A Finish...Right?

Back in July I took a workshop with Bonnie Hunter and had a perfectly wonderful day making blocks for a scrappy My Blue Heaven quilt.  I came home all excited after Bonnie's lecture about how we could piece the quilt using her leaders and enders method and the quilt would practically sew itself.  I set the box of scraps on the corner of my sewing table and there it sat for 6 months...untouched.  Nope, this quilt wasn't going to sew itself.  I do like the idea of leaders and enders or even just sitting and doing some mindless sewing for a few minutes each day, but the desire to make this quilt just wasn't there for me, so I decided to put the finished blocks together and make something with them...anything!  It's now a table topper instead of a bed quilt, but a finish is still a finish...right?


1. Barb said...

You are right and such a lovely finish!

2. antique quilter said...

its a perfect finish in mho! good for you, sometimes quilts just don't work for me either and I move over to plan b!

3. Terry said...

Definitely...a finish is a finish, and this one is so pretty! :0)

4. Kathy P said...

A finished quilt is a great quilt, in my book... Good job!

5. andsewon said...

Yes indeedy!! Finished is finished! I have one like that too. Will be a lap quilt!!!

6. Needled Mom said...

It looks wonderful too. It didn't sew itself???? Hmmm.

7. deemcd said...

Of course it's a finish, now something useful instead of sitting in that box. Years ago, my husband commented on the nice thick hot mat in use on the table and made some sarcastic remark about it actually being finished. But I admitted it had started out to be a rug.
Kudos to you

8. Unknown said...

I agree it beautiful. I was doing Leaders and Enders too until I got a sewing machine with the scissor feature. Now it's just so much easier to cut the threads with the thread cutter than it is to use the leaders and enders approach. I do have a tin full of tiny patch blocks that I need to use. Great idea! Thanks.

9. Jean(ie) said...

You betcha! And it's a pretty finish, too!

10. Pat Merkle said...

A finish is a finish! :) Cute table topper!

11. Diane said...

definitely! it's finished, it's terrific and it's off your mind. Move on to something that excites you!

12. Jean said...

yes it is! Everything doesn't need to fit a bed! I love it!

13. Grit said...

This is wonderful.
Greetings from Germany,

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