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I am a wife, mama and grandmama getting through life by hanging on to a needle and thread.

Friday, January 25, 2013

Enough For A Top!

January is the last month of the Scrappy Star Sew Along at  Terry's Treasures and now I have enough blocks made for a quilt top!  I've been looking through my stash for something to use as sashing, but can you believe that I don't have anything that will work?  I guess I will have to do a little fabric shopping before I can finish this one.


1. andsewon said...

Very nice stars! Oh dear fabric shopping...;-)

2. Kathy said...

Looks great! I'm sad for you (NOT) that you have to go purchased fabric! ;) Don't ya just hate it????? LOL!!!!

3. Pat Merkle said...

Oh, so sad you have to go fabric shopping.;) Nice stars!

4. Needled Mom said...

They look wonderful and will make a great quilt!

5. Terry said...

Your star blocks look wonderful! I can't wait to see what you find for the sashing! :0)

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