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I am a wife, mama and grandmama getting through life by hanging on to a needle and thread.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

All Polished And Pretty

It took me awhile, but here is my birthday machine all put together, polished up and pretty!  I did put a new motor and foot control on it because I didn't trust the wiring on the old motor, but other than that, it just needed a good cleaning and a little TLC to get a nice straight stitch.  I hadn't thought much about a name for her, but it came to me as I was putting her back in the case...Big Bertha!  This is one heavy gal and being that she arrived on my big birthday, Big Bertha just seemed to fit!


1. Rene' said...

Big Bertha looks so pretty and seems ready to go!

2. Jean(ie) said...

That's Big BEAUTIFUL Bertha thankyouverymuch... LOL! She is gorgeous!!!!!!

3. Cheryl said...

Wow Love the name ! And glad you got her fixed up and ready to sew with.
I am wondering if the one I have here would be worth it to fix up as there is no bobbin case ,parts of it is rusty and whoever had her last put a outdoor extension cord on it to plug in with. Not good at all!

4. Pokey said...

Oh, how she shines! You have a beautiful friend in Bertha, good job on the clean up ~

5. Kathy P said...

She's a beauty! And thoroughly modern with all those "tatoos"!

6. Catherine said...

Yes a perfect name for her and she is definitely pretty all clean and polished.

7. Karen said...

Big Bertha is just beautiful! You did a great job with her.

8. Needled Mom said...

She is a real beauty. They definitely improve with age!!!

9. Michelle said...

What a wonderful birthday gift! I love mine too. I put a hand crank kit on mine.

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