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I am a wife, mama and grandmama getting through life by hanging on to a needle and thread.

Friday, March 30, 2012


In January members of the Mountain Laurel Quilt Guild made 9-patch blocks to be made into quilts for Project Linus Make-a-Blanket Day.  Last month several of us got together to sew those block together into quilt tops and managed to make 19 beautiful quilt tops!  There were a few blocks leftover because they were either too small, too big, or not the "right" color.  Rather than let these blocks go unused, I decided to square them up "wonky style" and put them together regardless of color.  It's now quilted and bound and I dare say that this little quilt is my favorite of all those we put together on Make-a-Blanket Day!

You can see a photo of the rest of the quilt tops that we assembled HERE.


1. Jean(ie) said...

ooh, I like it, too! Love the whimsy. Some kid is just going to love that... wonk and all!

2. Quiltdivajulie said...

It is absolutely WONDERFUL . . . LOVE it!!!

3. Betsy said...

Susan, great idea. It looks really good

4. Jean said...

I love it too! I did a swap with some friends and not all the blocks turned out the same size, so I bordered them and cut them wonky. That reminds me...I had better get those put together!

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