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I am a wife, mama and grandmama getting through life by hanging on to a needle and thread.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Let The Bidding Begin!

The March Alzheimer's Art Quilt Initiative Auction begins today!  Yes, the AAQI holds an online auction the first ten days of each month, but I like to think that this month is special because one of my quilts is being auctioned along with twenty-six other beautiful art quilts.  If you have never participated in an AAQI auction why not place a bid this month?  There are some wonderful quilts up for auction and every dollar raised brings us that much closer to finding a cure (or better treatment) for Alzheimer's Disease.

1 comment:

1. Michele Bilyeu said...

You bet it's special! Auctions are always so exciting, but never more so than when you have a quilt of your own in one! Congratulations abound!

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