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I am a wife, mama and grandmama getting through life by hanging on to a needle and thread.

Friday, March 16, 2012

Take Two, They're Small

Our quilt guild is collecting Baby Bereavement Quilts for a local hospice.  These quilts are made in matching pairs.  One quilt is given to parents who suffer the loss of a baby before or after birth, while its mate stays with the baby...a small quilted bit of comfort at a very sad time in the life of a family.  Because these quilts are mainly designed for premature babies, they are very small, only 18-27 inches.  It almost takes longer to load them on the frame than it does to quilt them, so I got the idea to load them two at a time.  It worked like a charm...I had two quilts finished in the time it would take to quilt one!


1. Kathy P said...

Great idea Susan! And it's neat to get a glimpse of your Juki too!

2. Exuberantcolor/Wanda S Hanson said...

That makes sense, load once, quilt twice.

3. andsewon said...

That is a good way to do it! Pretty quilts too.

4. evelyn said...

What a wonderful undertaking. My friend lost a baby at birth. The hospital gave her a memory box. She charishes it to this day.
Smart idea doing two at once.

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