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I am a wife, mama and grandmama getting through life by hanging on to a needle and thread.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Come On Get Happy

As I was working on my latest Priority: Alzheimer's quilt I noticed that something about it was familiar.  Although not exactly the same pattern, it reminded me of the Partridge Family's bus!  If you are a child of the 60's like I am, you most likely spent every Friday night between 1970 and 1974 in front of the television watching The Partridge Family.  The brightly painted bus, the trouble that Danny got into each week, the music, and *sigh* David Cassidy!  All those wonderful memories came back to me as I finished this quilt.  Over 40 years have passed and I still remember that show and being "in love" with David Cassidy...I just hope that those memories will stay with me and not be taken away by Alzheimer's Disease. 


1. Terry said...

I grew up watching the Partridge Family too! And yes...your little quilt does remind me of their bus! :0)

2. IHaveANotion ~ Kelly Jackson said...

You know that I know all about the Cassidys....my sister was in love with David...I was in love with Vinnie Bobberino...LOL.

It does look like their tour bus...how fun. I love it and I love what you are doing Susan....what a lovely gift. I pray we all have our memories for as long as we need them.


3. Kathy P said...

Ahh - the memories... We must be about the same age :)

4. Michele Bilyeu said...

Love it! And now after almost a decade of dealing with memory loss issues in family members I know I have to celebrate each and every one! Come On and Get Happy is a great one to remember. We all need to sing and dance and be happy!Oh yeah!

5. Jean(ie) said...

Yep, saw it immediately!

6. Needled Mom said...

Ha!! It does remind me of the bus. Great looking quilt!

7. ~Laurie~ said...

It did my me happy!! Yes, David Cassidy was a crush for me too :) I pray also that Alzheimer's will not take this away for me also - maybe we will be the lucky ones! Thank you for sharing such sweet memories with us <3

8. Lori said...

What a great quilt!!

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