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I am a wife, mama and grandmama getting through life by hanging on to a needle and thread.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Lucky Winner!

Brenda from Scraps and Strings held a giveaway not long ago and I was one of the lucky winners.  This wonderful zippy bag, an assortment of her very own hand dyed charm squares and a too cute tiny hand bound notebook were all waiting in my mailbox yesterday.  I just love it when the mailman brings me something besides bills!


1. andsewon said...

Wonderful treats for sure! Lucky you!

2. Brenda said...

I'm glad it got there safely. The notebook is from my friend Laura over at http://prairiepeasant.blogspot.com
She makes them from paint chips and uses discarded paper for the insides. I think her sticker is in the booklet somewhere.

3. Janet said...

I love presents like that, enjoy them, they all look wonderful.

4. Quilting Moesje said...

The Give - Away presents you get ... looks very nice !


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