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I am a wife, mama and grandmama getting through life by hanging on to a needle and thread.

Monday, February 8, 2010

UFO Flimsy Finish

Do you remember these tumbler blocks? No? I'm not surprised! I cut them out way back in September and never got around to stitching them together. I even posted a photo of them all on my design wall HERE. If I remember correctly I took them down to put another project up and promptly forgot about the tumbler quilt. Are you starting to understand how my UFO's are born? It's obvious that I am too easily distracted by the glow of new projects! Anyway, I spent Saturday sewing with some friends and finished the whole top. I was surprised at how fast it went together. It is an easy pattern, but I suspect that it went together so quickly because I was in such good company. Maybe I need to plan more Saturday sew dates with my quilty friends, so they can help keep me focused on finishing these UFO's!


1. Diane said...

I like it. My friend and I had what I call sew/gabfest last Thursday at my house. The next day she emailed me that we should definately do it more often because we do get so much done-which seems amazing the amount of gabbing we do too!

2. marlene@ByTheSeam said...

That is so nice that you have sewing buddies. It is an easy way to get things done. I like the top.

3. andsewon said...

I really like your UFO Top...;-)
Yes it is fun to sew with friends.
I have not had that pleasure in a good while.
Maybe soon I can get one of them to drive out to the boonies to gab, stitch and eat of course.
Have to bribe them to come ya know.
Hope weather will let up here some no snow, ice or rain!
Now I look forward to your next UFO finish!!

4. Barb said...

Cute table runner!!

5. Anonymous said...

The white inner border makes the colors "pop". Love it!! Great job!

6. Anne at Film and Thread said...

That's a pretty quilt top! I bet you are glad now that it's assembled.

7. Lori said...

I've been wanting to make one of the tumbler quilts and yours is so pretty! Great finish!

8. Anonymous said...

That looks so lovely Susan- pretty colours. I hope to see it backed and bound soon. You're on a roll!

9. Betsy said...

It looks great Susan and your color selection is perfect.

10. antique quilter said...

looks great!!!!

11. Jackie's Stitches said...

Congrats on your flimsy finish! It is so much fun to be with friends and do the things you love.

12. Rose said...

I sure understand the UFO thing, though I think most non-quilters just don't get it. I am working on FMQ a quilt top that has been waiting for 3 or 4 years!

13. esquiltingpassion said...

I can't believe there is another quilter like me. I call myself a topper, have lots of tops unfinished.
My goal this year is to finish at least 5 UFOs.

14. Barb said...

I am thinking there is "hope" for me afterall ;>)!! I love your Tumbler Flimsy, what is your plan for the quilting (?)...in the meantime it would be displayed in a basket at my house..to pretty to be a hidden UFO anymore! Have a great day...lots of snow happening at my PA house!

15. Anonymous said...

"The glow of new projects" . . . that makes it feel much better . . . now I know what to call that!

16. Quilter Kathy said...

I know exactly what you mean...I am easily distracted by the glow of new projects also :)

17. Jean said...

Very cute. How big are the tumblers?

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