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I am a wife, mama and grandmama getting through life by hanging on to a needle and thread.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Did You Work On Your UFO This Week?

When I started working on this UFO project I said that I would post my progress on Friday's no matter how much progress there was or even if there wasn't any progress at all. This is one of those weeks when I don't have very much progress to report. I do have the Thangles for my next block pinned and ready to sew, so at least that's something!

Did you work on your UFO this week?


1. marlene@ByTheSeam said...

I too don't have much progress but I am working on them.

2. SewCalGal said...

I'm confused....which UFO should I be working on? LOL. I think I added another UFO to the que, and worked on two other UFOs. {not good at focusing}.


3. meg said...

I promised myself I would knock off my UFO's this year and I've done alright since Jan. 1... until now. Not only did I not work on a UFO, I didn't get to anything! All work and no sew-play makes Mickey a grumpy girl...
Glad I found you!

4. Jackie's Stitches said...

Progress is forward motion so Congratulations! Now it's not a UFO but a WIP!

5. andsewon said...

Yes ma'am I did.
Finished up two stitcheries.
Now almost done with my wool flower pillow top.
Next will be the wool snowman runners or at least one!;-)
Want my UFO wool projects DONE by this Spring! I see others I would love to begin but I am fighting it til these are finished!

You will get more done.
I know you will!!!

6. Terry said...

I have too many UFOs to even keep track of. But every little bit helps so well done to get your pinning done! :0)

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