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I am a wife, mama and grandmama getting through life by hanging on to a needle and thread.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Did You Work On Your UFO This Week?

It's been a good week for UFO progress here at Hanging On by a Needle and Thread! I finished two UFO tops and still managed to work on the UFO Thangle blocks! I have three blocks finished and the last three are ready to sew together. My goal is to have this top put together by next Friday.

Did you work on your UFO this week?


1. Rene' said...

Your Thangle blocks are coming along nicely. I can't wait to see it complete next week.

2. Anonymous said...

Good luck Susan- not far to go now.

3. Barb said...

Yes, I did.....

love the progress you are making.

4. Jackie's Stitches said...

You are really busting them out! I really like the way these blocks are coming along too!

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