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I am a wife, mama and grandmama getting through life by hanging on to a needle and thread.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Did You Work On Your UFO This Week?

I think I may have made up for last week's lack of UFO progress. Not only did I get the tumbler top and backing pieced this week, but I also got one of the Thangles tops put together!

Did you work on your UFO this week?


1. Anne at Film and Thread said...

That looks so pretty in the snow! We are waiting for the snow to come here AGAIN today. It's good sewing weather!

2. Terry said...

Very pretty! Congrats on your UFO work! :0)

3. Gypsy Quilter said...


4. ktquilts said...

Worked on mine! Blogged here:
Thanks for the encouragement!!

5. marlene@ByTheSeam said...

I like that quilt. And not much progress here.

6. esquiltingpassion said...

You did a great job. I am hand quilting one of my UFO's. After seeing yours I have to do more.

7. quiltingnana said...

I think I am tackling the UFO pile but it seems to be growing

8. Deb said...

Gosh Susan, that one is gorgeous. Have you really got is lying on the snow outside?? I hope it didn' get too wet.
Really really pretty, love it.
hugs Deb

9. Anonymous said...

Great progress Susan. This snowy weather is certainly helping you get through those UFOs

10. Angel said...

I didn't think I had any UFO's because I try to get them done one at a time but as I was looking throught the boxs with some of my quilt fabric in them I found one.

All I need to do is put a border on it and then I can sart quilting.

So next week I will have one to work on.

11. Vivian said...

Nice work on your UFO. It's framed beautifully on the snow.

I did spend most of the week working on a 4-patch butterfly UFO, so a little progress made.

12. Jean said...

Love it...yes I did work on UFOs, I bound 3 quilts and a runner.

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