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I am a wife, mama and grandmama getting through life by hanging on to a needle and thread.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Remembering June

Mother Nature didn't take the hint...she sent more snow instead of green grass and flowers! I guess I'll have to find bright colors inside for a while longer. These blocks were from the Ami Simms' workshop that I attended back in June. (Remember June? Warm weather, green grass, blue skies, sunshine...oh, how I miss June! *sigh*) I made the blocks in the workshop, but for some reason I never took the time to sew them together. All I had left to do was to sew the rows together and add a border. Now I have another UFO flimsy to add to my growing pile of tops that need to be quilted!


1. Jean said...

I love this one, I don't do black backgrounds often enough. You will be very proficient on that quilting machine soon!

2. esquiltingpassion said...

Yes I remember June, keep putting bright colors, pastel colors together, it will keep you sane until spring comes. I really like this piece, black with bright. Congrad on another UFO finished.

3. quiltingnana said...

your colors are great...very striking

4. Lori said...

What a graphic quilt! Sure reminds me of spring:)

5. marlene@ByTheSeam said...

I remember June, I think. Now that you have the quilt frame it won't be difficult to get that quilted. That is a really nice quilt.

6. Anonymous said...

That is such a stunning top. I love it! Just finished another top too. I think this snow just makes us quilters want to curl up and sew!

7. Gypsy Quilter said...

I kinda remember June and no doubt it will come 'round again. The snow coming down outside my window will make me appreciate it that much more. I'm almost getting used to waking up with snow on the ground. Love the colors in this quilt. Truly.

8. Meadows08 said...

June will be here before we know it!

Great job on all your UFO's!

9. Rene' said...

Susan, you've been whipping through those UFO's like a crazy woman!!! You won't have any left at this rate. I really like this one. The black really makes those bright colors sing.

10. Betsy said...

Susan, great colors in that quilt. Definetly is a spirit lifter with all this cold weather we have had.

11. Madalene Axford Murphy said...

Oh, you got yours finished! I have two rows of blocks sewn together but haven't had time to get the rest done. It's lovely, Susan.

12. Terry said...

It's beautiful! I remember June too...vaguely! LOL

13. Janet said...

That looks so great. You need the colour! I don't think it will be too long before you have spring.

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