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I am a wife, mama and grandmama getting through life by hanging on to a needle and thread.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Did You Work On Your UFO This Week?

No, this is not a UFO, but it is another flimsy finish for Project Linus. Make a Blanket Day turned into Make a Blanket Week here at Hanging On by a Needle and Thread. I got caught up in the excitement of new projects once again and I never did get around to working on my UFO. Yes, I had said that I was going to have the UFO top all finished by Friday and I am hanging my head in shame, but I do think making quilts for charity is a fairly good excuse for ignoring my UFO and I'm sure my local Project Linus coordinator would agree with me!

Did you work on your UFO this week?


1. Terry said...

I suppose that's a good excuse! Now get that UFO done!! LOL

2. Jean said...

Very cute quilt...I like making small quilts sometimes too, as they go so quickly!

3. Lori said...

I think you're doing a good thing by pumping out the quilts for PL!! I like this one a lot too!!

4. jovaliquilts said...

Yes, I finished a UFO!!! And it's about time. Usually I do just what you do, and get involved in a new project. :)

5. Needled Mom said...

Absolutely a good excuse!

6. Anonymous said...

Well there is one good thing about snow....it is a good excuse to stay inside and quilt!

7. Joanne Lendaro said...

That is not an "excuse" it's a reason, there is a difference. And that is a very good reason.

8. Rene' said...

I didn't finish any UFOs either. You have a very good excuse. I am sure your Project Linus Coordinator will agree and even give you a note if you need one ;-)

9. marlene@ByTheSeam said...

Making quilts for charity would be a priority! I did post 2 of my UFO's completed. So I did good this week.

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