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I am a wife, mama and grandmama getting through life by hanging on to a needle and thread.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

A Few More For Project Linus

I LOVE making these fleece blankets for Project Linus! It just takes a couple of hours from start to finish to create one of these little blankets, so they are the perfect project to work on while watching TV in the evening. You can find a video of how to make fleece blankets like the ones in the photo HERE.


1. Barb said...

Thanks for the link, those are sooo cute!!

2. Peggi Yac said...

I just posted the ones you gave me to crochet on the group blog! Thanks for keeping me busy.

3. ~Laurie~ said...

Thank you so much for the link!! I needed to make two blankets for the group here in Maine and have been putting off doing them because I wasn't sure how to do the crocheting - now I know!! Thank you Susan :)

4. Dena said...

Children always love soft, squishy blankets too. Nice job!

5. Bonnie said...

Thanks so much for the inspiration. I must get one of these cutters. This looks like the perfect winter evening project. I can't wait to buy some fleece and try this.

6. Anonymous said...

Great work Susan. I'm sure they are going to be so appreciated.

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