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I am a wife, mama and grandmama getting through life by hanging on to a needle and thread.

Thursday, December 31, 2009

Quilting Season

This is the view outside my window this morning and from the looks of our weather forecast, the flakes will be falling for the next week at least. Yes, quilting season is in full swing here in Northern Pennsylvania!


1. Barb said...

wow!!! enjoy!!

2. julia said...

Soooo pretty! We are cold and rainy with a chance of flurries, but that's it.

3. Barb said...

And here too, it is beautiful! Happy New Year to you and your family! Happy quilting in 2010!

4. collettakay said...

Same here in Southern PA!

5. Anonymous said...

Hunker down and enjoy your quilting. There's nothing nicer than a quilt in your lap on a winter day...stitching away.

6. Anonymous said...

Happy New Year and happy sewing Susan. I have just been working on the last of my UFOs so I can start the year with a clean slate.

7. Jocelyn said...

It looks very beautiful. I hope you don't have to go out in it ;-)

8. marlene@ByTheSeam said...

I heard you were getting some snow when I talked to my friend today. We are supposed to get more too and your right it is good quilting weather.

9. Mrs Quilty said...

It is very beautiful!!! We are also experiencing lots of snow falling right now and I better get a picture for my blog to share too!! Happy New Year to yoU!

10. Jackie's Stitches said...

GORGEOUS! I love seeing evergreens dusted with snow!

11. Khris said...

I am so jealous of you lucky people who get to have a white Christmas. It looks beautiful..Happy New Year Susan...hugs Khris

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