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I am a wife, mama and grandmama getting through life by hanging on to a needle and thread.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Fabric And A Promise

A couple of months ago my daughter-in-law mentioned that she was redecorating and asked me to make a runner for the foot of the bed. I had planned to surprise her with it at Christmas, but as you can see, she only got the fabric and a promise that I would make it for her. I guess Christmas really won't be over here until I get this last project done!


1. Jocelyn said...

Guess we all do this. I was going to make my youngest son a quilt (as his feet are hanging out of his old one) but he only got the fabric in a box on Christmas day ;-)

2. Mary on Lake Pulaski said...

It's beautiful fabric and will be just as wonderful later.

3. Needled Mom said...

But....isn't it fun to have a special project to start off the new year?

4. marlene@ByTheSeam said...

It will be so nice when you get it done. You can only do just so much and I know your busy all the time. Don't feel bad about not getting it done.

5. Meadows08 said...

Love your fabric choices! It always amazes me how great quilters are at pulling patterns and colours together! I wish I could do that!!!

6. Anonymous said...

LOL it's a bit like that here where I have a couple of unexpected presents to make for people.

The fabrics are so pretty. I'm sure what you make will look stunning in them.

7. Tammy said...

that fabric is gorgeous. do you have a pattern or do you just have your own design that you use?

8. Shelly said...

What gorgeous fabrics! At least when you do get the chance, they'll be fun to work with!

9. IHaveANotion ~ Kelly Jackson said...

You are not alone. I still have things to finish too. I remember getting boxes of fabric as a kid for Christmas. The box typically included a pattern, a zipper, thread and all the other stuff. My Mom just did not get to finishing so she would wrap up the stuff and I was just as happy.


10. Barb said...

Very pretty fabrics, I am anxious to see the finished quilt! Have a very Happy and Healthy New Year!

11. Karen said...

Hope you enjoyed the holiday season. Wishing you a very Happy New Year!

12. julia said...

Ooooo.... gorgeous fabrics and colors!!!

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