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I am a wife, mama and grandmama getting through life by hanging on to a needle and thread.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

It's Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas!

We woke up to about 6 inches of snow this morning. Schools and a lot of businesses are closed and my plans of spending the day sewing with friends have been canceled as well. I will admit that it is pretty and does give a festive look to my neighborhood even if it did ruin my plans for the day. I guess it will be a good day to play some Christmas music and work on finishing a few projects that need to be done before the holiday!


1. Rene' said...

Beautiful snowy view!!! Enjoy the weather and the opportunity to sew and listen to Christmas songs. Sounds like a wonderful day to me. Think of me in 84 degree weather....not Christmasy at all.

2. Barb said...

OH YES, my plan too...Christmas Music and projects, supper in the crockpot and I am ready to get busy! Our schools are also closed, and our 6" is very pretty...but right now the sleet/rain stuff is happening so it is getting slushy on the roads! Enjoy your day, I am sorry it is not being spent with friends as planned!

3. andsewon said...

Beautiful!!! I love snow but do hate when it melts or freezes. Yes stay in warm and do the Christmas sewing thing.
We got the rain down here , lots of it, over 2 inches in rain gauge! Was raining so hard at one time had no satellite TV or internet.
We are like a light house in middle of a pond..;-)
Had to put on my duck boots to wade the pup out to a high spot for her biz...then she made B Line for the door!!
So will try to sew some myself as we have plenty of leftover for supper...;-)
Stay warm,

4. Terry said...

It sure is pretty! But thankfully that missed us last night and we got mostly rain. We're to get it tonight though! I think it can just stay away but nobody asked me! LOL

5. Barb said...

Now that does look like Christmas!!

6. Anonymous said...

Snow is so magical. I love one that come during the night and you wake up to the wonder of its beauty. I love to see it, but after a few days...I'm ready to get out in the world!

7. marlene@ByTheSeam said...

That was a fast moving storm to get to your house that quickly. I just posted photos of our snow. I sandwiched a quilt today and it was too cold to go out till later in the day. Stay warm.

8. Anonymous said...

Beautiful Susan. I've had Movies 24 on TV with back to back Christmas films on when I've been hand sewing.

What a perfect time for cosying in your craft room with a hot cuppa knowing there's snow outside. :-)

9. Jackie's Stitches said...

It's so beautiful! I want a snow day!!!

10. julia said...

That's a Christmas card picture if I ever saw one!!!

11. Deb said...

Absolutely gorgeous Susan. Hot chocolate with marshmallows and in front of the fire you are seated with your sewing in hand thoroughly enjoyed yourself...... Whay a peaceful dream, I could cope with that. Swap with you!

12. Lori said...

The first snow of the season is always beautiful! We woke to snow on Sunday but winds were gusty and it was below zero! I like your serene view better. Enjoy your day!

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