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I am a wife, mama and grandmama getting through life by hanging on to a needle and thread.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Just Call Me Scrooge!

At the risk of sounding like Scrooge, I'm going to say that I'll be glad when Christmas is over and I can get back to my regular quilting and crafting schedule! There just isn't enough time around the holidays to do all the things that I need to do and sewing and quilting is usually what gets put on the back burner when I'm short on time. You can bet that on December 26th the tree will come down and the decorations will be put away and then after that you will find me in my sewing room!


1. Barb said...

You are so right...but I can't wait to get back home and get in my sewing room....

2. Needled Mom said...

Isn't it a shame that the holidays have to be so busy? I wish we could all enjoy them for the peace and calm they should be.

3. kimland said...

I feel your pain! anxious to get the holidays behind so I play with the things I want to play with. Still working on deadlines...tick, tick, tick

4. Anonymous said...

I have the binding to sew on my last Christmas gift then I am settling down to do a spot of sewing this evening in my sort of colours (hideously loud) which will be a lot of fun.

Merry Christmas Susan! I hope you have a special day and an even more special sewing sesh soon.

5. julia said...

I understand how you feel. I hope you have a Merry Christmas anyway!

6. Anonymous said...

Here! Here!!

7. Debbie J said...


8. Anonymous said...

LOL...I was just thinking about putting away my machine because I do not have the time to work on anything right now. Need to keep the sewing "mess" to a minimum with the grandkids coming! But as soon as they clear out...I'm stitching away! Merry Christmas!

9. Sherrill said...

AMEN, sister, I'm right there with ya!!! The tree ALWAYS comes down the day after (it just looks SO BARE without the presents underneath!!).

10. Jackie's Stitches said...

I'm off of work for a whole week and we're staying home! Whoot! I hope we both get a chance to get right back to it.

Though...we're cleaning the garage on Saturday. Ugh!

11. Jacque said...

I here you there! I love to do all that we do for christmas but I do look forward to my house being clean once again.

12. Lori said...

How about for the next couple of days you enjoy it:)

13. Barb said...

Yep I understand ~ next week home from the office ~ I just want to hide in my house, and SEW! Best made plans, I am guessing cleaning will happen too :>)!!

14. quiltingnana said...

yes this is a busy time....enjoy the holidays

15. Rene' said...

I'm with you "Scrooge" ;-)) I've had to take a break and won't be able to start back until January. I'm having withdrawals. Have a joyous Christmas. Looking forward to your wonderful blog in the New Year.

16. Jean said...

Can't wait to see what your next project will be! Merry Christmas!

17. Quiltdivajulie said...

We keep our trees up and lit for a few days after because of the lights on these dark evenings ... taking them down is always bittersweet. There's so much hype and hysteria ahead of time and then, when it comes, it is over SO quickly ... so there's something very calming about the tiny white lights as the 'afterglow' ...

[but I do get cranky when I don't get to stitch or ponder or fondle fabrics so the clean slate of January is always welcome...]

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