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I am a wife, mama and grandmama getting through life by hanging on to a needle and thread.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Almost Finished!

This is the project that has been keeping me busy for the past couple of weeks, a Christmas gift that I was asked to make. (Note to self...say no to Christmas quilt requests that come after October 1st no matter who asks!). You can see that I just have the handwork left to do, so this afternoon I'll sit by the fire, put in my "It's a Wonderful Life" DVD and do some stitching with Jimmy Stewart! Hopefully I can get it all done today and deliver it tomorrow!


1. Kathy P said...

Are we going to get to see a picture of the entire quilt? I'd love to see how it turned out, and I'm sure the recipient will love it!

2. Diane said...

I would like to see the front too! And I agree with you about the October deadline for Christmas requests-too much to do sorta dampens the Christmas spirit.

3. marlene@ByTheSeam said...

The colors are nice, and yes I agree with Diane, we would like to see the rest of it. Enjoy the movie. Sounds like a nice afternoon to me.

4. julia said...

Why don't we learn to say 'No" more often?

5. Barb said...

Yes, I would like to see the whole thing.

6. Barb said...

Guilty also of not saying "no" when I know better...I am with you on this one UGH! Looks like it will be a very pretty quilt for someone...lucky person that you said "yes" too! Will the recipient allow you to show us more? Have a great week!

7. collettakay said...

Oh, I love tacking down the binding! Especially while watching a good movie.

Have fun! I want to see a finished pic!

8. Mary on Lake Pulaski said...

It looks beautiful Susan! Are we going to see the rest of it?

9. Angie said...

My favorite part---stitching on the binding while enjoying a good movie! and seeing all the quilting while you stitch. Looking forward to seeing the whole quilt. I like the teaser!

10. Jackie's Stitches said...

The peek of the quilt is beautiful and I can't wait to see the whole thing! October is a good deadline. Though I usually start my holiday projects - which are very few - really early in the year. If I haven't started well before October, it probably isn't going to get anywhere near done.

11. Anonymous said...

Wonderful choice of film.
Ooo you are further on with your request project than I am. I was asked last week to make a leaded glass union jack for a friend's daughter. Can you come and stand by me next time and gag me before I say "I'll see what I can do?"

12. Lou and Kathy said...

I agree with the rest of the girls, I want to see the whole thing. I love the color that were chosen.

13. Jean said...

This is gorgeous, I want to see it all too! I have been having computer issues, so am trying to catch up on blogging. The cookies sound very good, I will have to add them to my list, though not sure I will get any baking done. We had 12" of that lovely fluffy stuff last week, and had 3 days off school, so I got some much needed quilting done. Hope to be back up to blogging now.

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