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I am a wife, mama and grandmama getting through life by hanging on to a needle and thread.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Christmas Tree Skirt

My daughter-in-law once worked at a furniture store and part of her job was sorting out the discontinued upholstery fabric samples and disposing of them. You guessed it, she disposed of them by bringing them to me! Over the years I have used them for a wide variety of projects, but one of my favorites is this Christmas tree skirt that I made a couple of years ago. The construction was simple. I used 9 1/2" squares and triangles, left an opening at the back and cut a circle in the center. Then I added batting, batting and bias binding. It was much too heavy to quilt, so I tied it at the corner of each block with the knots to the back. It was fast and easy to make and the variety of textures, colors and patterns of the upholstery fabrics made the perfect Christmas tree skirt!

Visit SewCalGal's Virtual Christmas Quilt Show to see more Christmas quilt projects!


1. Lori said...

So cute! Is that your tree this year with all the wrapped presents?

2. Needled Mom said...

Beautiful! How fortunate you were to be the recipient of all those samples.

3. marlene@ByTheSeam said...

Good idea and very nice.

4. Anonymous said...

Lovely job Susan. I'm using the one I made last year on our tree. Pic on latest blog post -1st Dec.

5. cottonreel said...

BRilliant , I just come over from Shabby nest , there is another brilliant idea there --cottonreel

6. Rene' said...

Great Christmas tree skirt. Love that the samples are put to good use.

7. Jackie's Stitches said...

What fun to get all the samples! It's a wonderful tree skirt.

Please tell me that is last years tree! I don't even have mine up yet.

8. SewCalGal said...

Beautiful Christmas quilt (tree skirt). I hope you'll enter it in my Virtual Christmas Quilt Show.


9. Terry said...

Great idea for a tree skirt! :0)

10. Donna said...

What a great idea!

11. Jocelyn said...

This is such a beautiful tree skirt. I love it.

12. jovaliquilts said...

Using upholstery is such a great idea! They are often such rich, beautiful fabrics, and wear well, too.

13. Michelle said...

I just love the patch work pattern. Very cute!

14. Anita in Florida said...

How lucky to get all those samples. And what a lovely tree skirt you made with them.

15. Lollydo said...

I love the simplistic beauty of the Christmas Tree Skirt. I have seen several "fancy" skirts, but I feel like I could actually make this one! Thank you for sharing!

16. Marge Gordon said...

Great tree skirt! Great idea too, looks so homey.
Delaware Quilts

17. Anonymous said...

great skirt!!

sometime the simplest ideas work the best.....

18. SheilaC said...

What a great way to use that fabric! Your skirt looks beautiful!

Thank you for sharing


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