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I am a wife, mama and grandmama getting through life by hanging on to a needle and thread.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Who Doesn't Love A Good Mystery?

I started doing a bit of research on my "new" machine and have found myself in the middle of a mystery.  I began with some of the different serial number lists found across the web, but each showed a different date and model number for the serial number on my machine.  I then decided that I would email Singer direct for a date verification.  They sent a fast reply stating that their records showed that serial #G9990077 belongs to Singer Model 15 manufactured on May 1, 1923 in Elizabeth, New Jersey.  Sounds good, but this machine is definitely not a Model 15.  I sent them photos of my machine and the serial number and they replied that there was obviously an error in their records and there's no real way to know exactly when my machine was made, only that the Singer Model 128 was manufactured from 1917 to 1959.  Maybe the date of 1923 is right and just the model number is incorrect?  Maybe it's all wrong?  It's certainly a mystery!


1. Karyn said...

Wooow, Susan! Now, THAT is the best mystery I have heard in a long time. If only sewing machines could talk, she would have such stories to tell!
Keep us posted ;)

2. Jocelyn said...

Or maybe someone put the wrong serial number plate on the wrong machine??? Stranger things have happened!

3. Needled Mom said...

Oh no! I wonder if it is like money where the wrong numbers = value!!!!!

4. BlueRidge Boomer said...

I love a good mystery!!

5. Jean said...

interesting. I got my aunt's antique McCalls at her auction and couldn't find out much about it either. It looks like a Singer, but is not. I think they were only made for a short time. It works perfectly.

6. Jean(ie) said...

Strange indeed! Found another site...


7. IHaveANotion ~ Kelly Jackson said...

Hmmmm....that is interesting and good to know too.


8. Pinkadot Quilts said...

What a fun mystery to try and solve!

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