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I am a wife, mama and grandmama getting through life by hanging on to a needle and thread.

Monday, June 18, 2012

My "New" Machine

My husband's friend (the one who is moving to a smaller home) stopped by with another box for me last week.  This box was quite a bit heavier than the box of ties that he brought earlier in the month.  This box contained a Singer Model 128 made in 19??!  It has spent the last I don't know how many years stored in a barn, so it's musty smelling and filthy dirty, but otherwise it appears to be in working condition!  Now to do a little research to figure out the best way to go about cleaning and restoring my "new" machine.


1. stitchinpenny said...

I loved the ties, but this is so much more fun!

2. Kathy P said...

Lucky you! Have fun with your restoration project!

3. Needled Mom said...

It is a real beauty!

4. Maxine said...

How lucky can you get!!!! What a find. Good luck with your restoration. Please keep us updated.

5. Jean said...

Wow....lucky find! Thank goodness he didn't just throw it away. A friend of mine found what I think was a featherweight by his description and sold it on craigslist for $160....I told him, call me in the future about sewing machines! :)

6. Jean(ie) said...

Hey, it's the other Jean...LOL! Treadle on (http://www.treadleon.net/) has great suggestions for cleaning your machine.

that is truly a find. It's much like my white treadle head. So pretty! I love the black iron with the bright decals.

Keep us posted on your restoration efforts!

7. Gypsy Quilter said...

Oh wow, what a treasure. Didn't I read somewhere about using car wax on the metal to help it shine? Ummm, not sure. Have fun!

8. Terry said...

What a lovely surprise! :0)

9. Cheryl said...

Oh Wow!!!Susan what a gift !!
I have one almost like this but not sure of the model or year , 1911!!!That is old! So hope you can get this up and working! Keep us posted !

10. Dora, the Quilter said...

What a fabulous machine! Do *not* clean it with water--it can silver the decals. Sewing machine oil and cotton balls or cotton cosmetic pads will work great. You might want to join Treadle On. The list helps people with vintage machines, not just people powered ones. You can join at Quiltropolis -->Sewing Machines-->Treadle On. (Tip: if you join, you will probably want to be on digest--otherwise you can get many, many e-mails each day. I figure better to have the messages a day late than to be overwhelmed by too many.) Also, there is a great deal of information available on the website: www.treadleon.net

Congratulations, lucky lady!

11. diegoagogo said...

Wow, great machine! Check out Bonnie Hunter's blog for tips also.

Good luck.

London, UK

12. Ruamom said...

I just purchased a 1910 treadle machine in a magnificent cabinet. Now I wonder how we will get in tip top condition. If you find any great resources, please post.

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