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I am a wife, mama and grandmama getting through life by hanging on to a needle and thread.

Monday, June 25, 2012

I Didn't Know There Would Be Gifts!

Back when I signed up for the Alzheimer's Art Quilt Initiative's $1000 Promise I had no idea that there would be anything more than a warm fuzzy feeling for completing that promise, but it seems that the AAQI has a few sponsors that send rewards when someone meets their $1000 goal.  Surgeron's Skin Secret of Grand Rapids, MI is one of those sponsors.  I just received the most wonderful assortment of lemon scented skin care products from them...everything needed to do a little pampering and get my skin ready for the beach this summer!  I haven't used much, but I can honestly say that it smells wonderful and just a tiny dab of the moisturizing cream softened my hands and lasted for hours...even after a couple of hand-washings!  My thanks to Surgeon's Skin Secret for this lovely gift!


1. Needled Mom said...

Oh yeah! Congratulations, again, on reaching the goal.

2. IHaveANotion ~ Kelly Jackson said...

What a wonderful surprise. That is so nice of them to contribute such lovely gifts.

Great job....both you and Surgeron's Skin Secret.


3. ~Laurie~ said...

Happy for you! Congratulations on your goal. I bet it was a sweet surprise to receive a secret blessing!

4. Deb said...

How lovely Susan. I unexpected surprise is always lovely. Enjoy.

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