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I am a wife, mama and grandmama getting through life by hanging on to a needle and thread.

Friday, September 13, 2013

Scrap Management

I'm finding lots of little jobs to do in the sewing room, other than sewing, while my machine is in the shop.  For the last few days I've been trimming down my scraps into useable sizes.  These deli tubs hold 5" and 2 1/2" squares, but if I do much more cutting I'm going to need bigger tubs or maybe I just need my sewing machine back, so that I can do some serious quilting!


1. Karen said...

I don't think I will ever be so organized as to have pieces sorted by size. I have scrap baskets and have tried sorting into plastic bags by color.
You need a back up machine for when yours is in the shop. But you are using your time wisely while it is gone.

2. Terry said...

I do this with all my scraps. That's why my scrap 2-1/2 inch squares tub is overflowing! I can't seem to sew fast enough to keep ahead of them! LOL

3. Needled Mom said...

At least you are making great use of your time.

4. Quiltdivajulie said...

Good work! I go it fits and jerks with this kind of scrap management. Mostly, I store strips by 2.5" / strips or strings 2" or less in width, and resources boxes for pieces too small to fold (under FQ size).

Hope your machine comes home soon!

5. andsewon said...

I have more to do of this. I did a lot of strip cutting with my GO. Now to finish the next box of scraps! Hope your machine is home soon!

6. Anya said...

I think I know where you can get some larger containers...

7. Gypsy Quilter said...

Zip-locks work really well for easy, foldable storage. And are reusable too!

8. Kathy P said...

If you run out of cutting jobs before your machine is back, my scraps are out of control... and you know where I live! :) They look so neat and tidy in those plastic boxes.

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